
IMDb member since June 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months


The Last of Us

Oh, great. Yet ANOTHER zombie series.
Just when you thought people were sick and tired of zombie shows, here we are again. I hav e never heard of the game, not being a gamer, but I looked at the reviews and saw the extraordinarily high review ratings and immediately thought.... there must be a lot of reviewers associated with the production of this show but I thought I would give it a go anyway. The first 15 minutes of the first episode was very entertaining. BUT. Then I realised it was just another zombie show with very drawn out dialogue to pad the show out. Very little action or drama. Just watched the second episode. More of the same drawn out dialogue and very little action. Except when they kill some more zombies. Definitely wont be wasting any more of my time on this same old garbage.

Castle Rock

I watched the first six episodes of the first season thinking, "wow what a great show". I didn't know where it was going, but it was going good! After that the wheels fell off! Obviously the writers gave up and gave the rest of the story to the first year writing students to finish it off. They couldn't do much either. I've read a few of Steven Kings novels where he seems to just give up in the end and just make something ridiculous up out of desperation just to finish it off. I. E. The "finger of god" in The Stand. I don't know if it's SK or the screenwriters, but in my opinion this first season turned from 8.5/10 to 3/10. I'm sorry to have wasted investing my time in this.

Having said that I am openminded for the second season which I will watch shortly.

The Black Book

Don't bother.
Looks like it was made by high school students for an end of term project.

The Moth Effect

My mum use to say if you can't say something good, don't say anything. I gave this show 1 point for everytime I laughed, and 1 point for trying.

Most Dangerous Game

Really entertaining movie.
Fortunately I watched this as a movie rather than lots of little bits. I wouldn't have bothered if that was the only way to watch it. Apart from the obvious plot holes and predictability it was a very entertaining, non stop thriller. Well done.

Sun Records

Extremely Disappointed!!
It was like watching the first half of a great movie and then found out THAT WAS IT!!!! Did they think no one would want to see a season two or three??? What about Johnny cash or Jerry lee Lewis or Carl Perkins or Roy Orbison? So much potential wasted. I don't understand.


Fortunately, I did not have to pay to watch this movie, but I still feel like I want my money back. Predictable load of garbage that's been done a hundred times before.

Bad Boy Bubby

The most memorable film I have ever seen.
I first saw this film 25 years ago and could not believe what I was watching.

One can not even try to describe this movie to someone without doing an injustice to it. All I can say is if you are not easily shocked or offended, give it a go. At the very least. You will never forget this movie!


Loved it!
Great story, well written and acted. No fluff or overdevelopment of characters, just a good story well told. Short and sweet!

Zone 414

An okay movie.
Any movie with Guy Pierce in it has got to be good, right? Not so much this one, unfortunately. Still watchable, but not very entertaining I thought.

Brian Banks

Loved it!
Would have given it a 10/10 if Kennisha had have been handcuffed outside the courthouse and carted off to prison for, say, 6 years to think about things.

A Dark Foe

B-grade movie at best.
Terrible movie! Bad acting. The main actor spoke perfect english as a kid, what happened? I really don't understand the high ratings, something going on there!! I'm being generous in giving it a 3/10. I would not recommend this garbage to anyone!

Carnal Knowledge

Thirty-something people pretending to be virginal college students is laughable. " I've never kissed anyone before!"
Thirty-something people pretending to be virginal college students is laughable. " I've never kissed anyone before!" a rediculous and boring movie!!!

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