
IMDb member since July 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months



What the heck was that?
Seriously. What did I just watch? This movie made zero sense. Nothing was explained at all. The acting was all dramatic for no apparent reason. The monsters did random bizarre things that made no sense either. They burrow. Their arms stretch. They're strong! They're weak! They appear when it's dark. Wait it's dark and they aren't around! Here's the best. Sometimes they all clump together and roll around like a giant wheel but made out of monsters. And sometimes they snap their jaws at a super fast rate. But it never seems to hurt anyone. WTF?

Also, halfway through the movie Nick Cage gets hurt and then he stays unconscious until the last 15 minutes. Then he dramatically wakes up and basically kills himself.

Somehow the acting was actually pretty decent. And the music was ok. But it was all combined into a random assortment of scenes that ultimately led to nothing. Somehow it was dramatic without a coherent plot.

Seriously, what the heck did I just watch?

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