
IMDb member since December 2006
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Barley Fields on the Other Side of the Mountain

Set In Northern Tibet, this film is a gritty and realistic story of communities facing a life under an oppressive government. Whilst the family is leading a very simple life, the young girl of the family seeks solace with the local community of Nuns. The young girl risks her safety and life by trying to escape over the nearby mountains to India, with a group of nuns, where she believes life will be safer and offer more of a happy life. This film really moved me, particularly in its' frank description of the way these Tibet residents could be treated by the Authorities. The conclusion left me hoping that things would be better for them in the future.

L'amica geniale

Outstanding television Drama, with both lead actresses showing the joy and pain of childhood and teenage years with just the right amount of emotion. Brings to life suburban Italy in a totally realistic manner, with the two leads giving terrific performances. Totally involving and moving. An absolute delight to watch.

Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate Atlantis, still being shown on the SC-FI channel here in Australia, has been consistently of excellent quality through all five seasons.

Particularly enjoyed the interplay between the characters, such as Ronan and Rodney, and the action scenes were gripping and exciting.

Sea of Souls

Brilliant Study of Human Mind and Capacity for Survival
Sea of Souls, which I am only now catching up on Pay Television is a really good drama series. It goes beyond superficial content to present a multi-layered study and performance of investigations into people experiencing difficult life situations. The cast is brilliantly led by Bill Paterson and the rest of the regular cast offer excellent support. It is a joy to to watch because it offers real hope for those people it portrays, and doesn't go for easy answers. The show never gives a real hint of where each episode is going to end up. It is a refreshing show to watch, compared to too many other dramas on television that go for the quick resolution. I would recommend this show to any one who enjoys exciting and thought provoking drama.

Fair Stood the Wind for France

Classic Mini-Series From BBC
Beautifully realised adaption of H.E.Bates classic novel. Great performances all-round and Cecille Paoli is incredibly beautiful and convincing in the lead role. The story of war time France, and the English pilot who falls in love with his French "host" after his plane crash lands, is told with great sensitivity. It movingly portrays the inherent difficulties faced by the French citizens trying to assist the trapped English in occupied France. The performance of David Beames is equally convincing and I would have liked to have seen more of him over the years on English television. Other TV adaptations from H.E.Bates have been excellent ( e.g. Love For Lydia, A Moment In Time ), however Fair Stood The Wind For France is possibly the best of all.

Return Home

Wonderful, humane film
An understated masterpiece that wonderfully engages with its warm and loving human interactions. It doesn't need any overblown dramatics to tell its deeply affecting story of a family re-unification. Great performances from everyone involved.

Dennis Cord is terrific as the returning brother, whilst Micki Cammilerri is probably the standout as the compassionate and sympathetic wife and mother. The script is extremely well written and is all the more effective for not being overly dramatic or overblown. The film evokes an Adelaide suburb in transition at a particular point in time that could be anywhere in Australian suburbia at that time.

Absolutely recommended for anyone seeking a REAL film experience.

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