
IMDb member since December 2006
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Death in Paradise: A Murder Forewarned - Part 1
Episode 6, Season 12

Series 12 is suffering from poor writing
I have loved this programme for all of runs, for me Ardal was the weakest character lead. This series has a stellar support cast, for me possibly the best line up they've had but unfortunately the storylines have also been the weakest. The series needs a bit of stability in the cast to develop relationships again if it is to continue to a series 13, all of these 'will he won't he leave' is just leaving the viewers with a possibility of yet another lead going. Ralf Little isn't the strongest of actors, but with a support cast like this, it's easily smoothed over.

If there is a series 13, I hope they improve the storylines and get to grips with the continuity errors. Maybe it's just had it's day.

Father Brown: The Serpent Within
Episode 10, Season 10

Appalling end to a very weak season.
Unfortunately this episode ended a very poor series, what a shame for one of my favourite programmes.

This episode was full of ridiculous cliches and plot holes. How ridiculous to end the season on this episode. The characters were comedy portrayals of people, poorly written and developed. This series had potential with the removal of Jack Dean's poorly acted character and the return of Tom Fletcher, unfortunately due to the dreadful scripts and storylines, this series was the worst ever, what a shame to see the demise of a once perfectly decent programme. If there is to be a series 11, get rid of Brenda (poorly acted) better scripts,, better plots and far better wigs!


Appalling load of rubbish
I watched this as it had Jo Joyner in, a very capable actress and seeing her something, which supposedly had more depth made it worth giving it a try but oh boy, it was a mess!

Peter O'Brien was in it briefly, not moving on in his acting ability from his soap days and playing the new, rich husband of Jo Joyner, his former employee and much younger wife. She had a teenage daughter, who although clever, was naive in the extreme, her British deadbeat father was living nearby, carrying anger issues. The neighbour creeped me out from the beginning, whether through the dodgy script he had to endure or just poor acting, I'm not sure.

The stepson and his mother, the bitter ex wife were poorly acted caricatures in the extreme, the stepson's boyfriend, providing possibly the only likeable character there.

The baddie was obvious from their first appearance and it continued to go downhill from their. Sadly this seems to be one of many really dreadful offerings from Channel Five, who again wasted a real talent ((Jo Joyner) in an absolute shambles of a series.

A Country Romance

As fairly generic film and script
It was a very formulaic film, city girl reconnecting with roots blah blah blah, put her in cute country clothes which never get mucky (dirty for non northern English people). The lead actress seems sweet and extremely pretty but lacked acting ability or emotions, whether that was because her character was two dimensional or on the actor's part, I don't know. The supporting actress is a much better lead and actress when I have seen her previously, so would have made a better lead. None of the males shined but possibly also due to a dire script.

The grapes with synthetic leaves, daffodils in harvest time and very red, waxed apples, just fallen from the tree were, as usual, very silly.

The positives were a beautiful setting, lots of sunshine to enjoy on a dull winter's day and an inoffensive way of relaxing.

The Madame Blanc Mysteries: Episode #2.3
Episode 3, Season 2

Appallingly episode
This series is getting worse as it goes along. The only upside to this episode was a guest appearance by Elizabeth Borgnine (Death in Paradise fame). She was a minor part and not used effectively. Sue Vincent, co writer and one of leads is a terrible actor and no attempt has been made to even dirty her overalls up, it is a pointless character, performed poorly.

The storyline this time was incredibly weak, with them asking us to believe that the rare treasure had been sat in a load of fake flowers for 47 years, never dusted and never replaced.

The whole programme failed dismally to engage the audience at all.

A Great North Christmas

Unfortunately so bad I couldn't finish it.
Lovely views but the two lead actors were dire, particularly the lead man oh dear the dialogue was stilted and didn't flow at all.

The scenery was the only plus side, non of the actors could produce a decent, well delivered sentence, whether that was due to the absolutely atrocious dialogue or just an appalling storyline, I'm not sure. The story didn't flow, there was no chemistry between anyone and the whole thing seemed to be an amateur and very low budget affair.

Were there any plus points? The scenery for one, it was free of fake snow and the husky growling at the leading lady, which seemed to allow the lead male to improvise a little. Just avoid this film.

Christmas in the Rockies

Lovely, easy watching film.
I enjoyed this movie, for once the main female lead wasn't an event planner, baker or some such female job. Ok some of her close ups were obviously not her but she was a really refreshing actor and to see one out of the usual high heels was great, she was also refreshingly natural, healthy looking and free of the overdone makeup (unlike dad's girlfriend). More could have been made with the relationship with grandfather and the obvious green backdrop pictures at the viewing point were iffy but all in all, after the dire Hallmark movies and others of this genre over the last couple of years, what a refreshing change. May we have more, strong female roles please?

Love Stories in Sunflower Valley

A pretty movie with lovely scenery.
Erin Cahill always produces the goods, even with poor scripts and uninspiring romantic leads, this one was well acted and she leads relative newcomer Marcus Rosner effectively. It's nice to see Rosner progress from self absorbed boyfriend to romantic lead, he has brought a gentleness to the roles, quite a difference from some of the supporting roles he's been cast in.

This was the usual format, with some lovely scenery and lots of wasps in some scenes a good supporting cast. I do question the age of his father and her mother though, both seemed very young for the roles given the leads ages but that aside, it was an enjoyable 90 minutes to pass the time, however not memorable or one I'd re-watch.

I'm not sure why the usual paid reviewers give these a 10, quaint, pleasant and gentle but not exactly Oscar material.

Home for my Heart

A feel good, well presented movie
I had a day of from work on a rainy British, autumn day and put this on to chill with over a cup of coffee. Having seen Martin Cummins before, I thought it worth a watch. I was very pleasantly surprised, two likeable leads with good chemistry and some pleasant, easy listening, if not taxing, songs. I hadn't seen the two leads before and it was lovely to see fresh faces and an old storyline given some injection of pep.

The support cast was excellent and the dialogue flowed well,, the shop and waterfront was delightful and it seemed devoid of the fake plastic flowers usually prolific in these movies.

Let's see more of this style and certainly more of these two leads.

Love and Chocolate

The story lacks a story.
I watched this on Prime as I usually really enjoy Jesse Hutch, this time paired with Hallmark newcomer Rhiannon Fish, in the second film I have watched her in was not a good pairing.

The story was incredibly weak and lacked an actual storyline, it plodded on with no continuity and the leads lacked chemistry. Jesse Hutch is suited to more outdoors roles and stronger female leads opposite him, he's charismatic but not the most animated of actors. Although one of my favourites,, he does well with a strong, more mature female lead to bounce off and Fish, unfortunately isn't one of them.

I don't know if it is me but I can't warm to fish yet and the ten year age difference was too much in this film, for me she would be better opposite someone younger for a younger audience, her squeaky, chirpy demeanour doesn't endear her to me I'm afraid. I will look out for older leads in the future.

The whole chocolate premise of this film and them just playing about was really bad and the fact her sister was not even similar didn't seem to be explained, in fact, all in all this was a casting disaster.


A solid 5 for the scenery!
The scenery was quite fabulous, it was nice to see the mountains and the real snow. The B&B and the nearby town looked quite spectacular and fitting for a travel show.

The story plodded on okay, although I'm not really a fan of Jen Lilley as she seems to be sneering a lot of the time and over made up for my taste. She doesn't ever put in an emotional performance and seems to deliver her roles the same each time. Her friend was far more able to put in an animated performance, along with the lead man, held it together. Perhaps find a lead female with more emotional delivery and chemistry with the lead man. I hope they return to this place though as it was a breath of fresh air for me,

Broadcasting Christmas

One of the worst movies I have seen.
Gosh, what to say? In spite of the two leads not usually being my cup of tea, I thought I'd give this a go, their characters were shallow and vacuous, Melissa Joan Hart and Dean Cain delivered their lines with as much emotional depth as a can of bean! Neither are strong actors at the best of times but the sheer boredom and lack of chemistry delivered an appalling movie.

The movie needed new leads, a total re-write, editing and direction. It's a real shame as there were a couple of decent actors hidden in the depths of this complete dross.

Avoid this movie at all costs and avoid the two leads.

Sand Dollar Cove

An okay movie
For me the wonderful woman playing Nana when she was probably only in her 20s when the lead man, her grandson was born really jarred, it was yet another clichéd bit of casting when she was actually one of the strongest performers and a character full of vitality. Hallmark really needs to support the stronger older characters which are a decent foundation of their films and their viewers demographic.

The lead character, Brodie was okay, the actor seemed a little bored with the whole thing, Pam, his sister was really good and would have been better as the lead female. The little girl did at least put some energy into the film without being too stereotypically a Hallmark child.

The lead female was seemingly bored with the whole thing, there was no expression or life in her performance.

The scenery was lovely but looked cold as the trees went through varying stages of leaf development so I assume it was early in the year and probably cold. Obviously most things were filmed outside during the pandemic and one of the extras was wearing a mask at the clam bake.

All in all, not a disaster due to the scenery and support cast, yet an instantly forgettable one.

South Beach Love

Sadly not for me.
I usually love Taylor Cole movies but this one jarred on me, unfortunately I only managed 20 minutes before I gave up.

The dialogue was stilted and stiff, there seemed no warmth between the family members, Taylor Cole seemed to look a little strange (fillers) and her usually well delivered dialogue was forced like she didn't feel comfortable and subsequently it had a really forced feel to it.

It has just been loaded onto the U. K. Hallmark channel and it was one of the poorest ones there. Hopefully Hallmark will put some Autumn/Fall ones on soon but it the channel doesn't seem to be a priority with them.

You Had Me at Aloha

My absolute favourite Hallmark actors
You had me at aloha is a typical Hallmark movie, brash man, uptight female but the settings in the this were wonderful, the camera work above the usual.

Pascalle Hutton is one of my favourites, she exudes warmth and is able to deliver the goods. Kevan Smith always seems to have a warmth and light about him, indeed in this, he was perfectly cast as the hyper and over the top, presenter. Hutton is better than the usual Hallmark leading ladies and seems to mix a warmth but also a vulnerability and this movie is no exception.

Very rarely do I give Hallmark movies a high rating but this had everything, chemistry between the leads, good supporting cast, wonderful location and a decent script for a change.

Sailing Into Love

Wow the actress can't act!
I am afraid that I only got half an hour into this and gave up, the lead (Leah Renee) had the most irritating, squeaky voice that sounded like a six year old. She was a really poor actor as well. Unfortunately Hallmark seems to be failing with some of its newer actors.

A Deadly Bridenapping

Possibly the worst film I have seen!
Oh my this was so bad, I turned off, even though I was trying to relax after a hard day at work in a heatwave!

Why did the lead woman's dialogue have to contain the filler word 'like' in every sentence, appalling acting, script and direction, even for a very low budget film.

I will avoid any films with this cast in.

It Was Always You

Re reviewed after watching it again
The second time around, I picked up more on the sub story of the sister and the mailman, which was a stronger, more interesting story.

Tyler Hynes, seemed to produce a good performance, I have never watched him before, but he seems to be a good lead man. I liked the less polished leading man, the actor gave a well measured performance.

Erin Krakow seems to have an odd wig on which sits as awkwardly as her performance, she always seems emotionless, I don't know whether that's the scripts she gets or the depth of her ability (I have enjoyed it in other films). I think this film needed someone with more range than her or a better script and I don't know which.

Gyles tried his best as the hapless George but the character grated on me as the self-centred fool character often does in Hallmark films. He did his utmost to give the character a little more depth and his own ending was perfect.

The only thing I would have liked to have heard more from was the DJ as I watched him sing many years ago in another Hallmark film and he was excellent.

A Christmas Love Story

Unusually good for a Hallmark film
I tend to watch the Hallmark films to de-stress, so don't require anything with real depth. Usually I find Scott Wolf a weak actor and unfortunately one I have never warmed too but in this he has a little more depth, probably brought out by Director and supporting actor Eric Close (a more likeable actor of this genre).

Kristen Chenoweth gave an adequate acting performance and an excellent singing performance.

It was a good premise for a film with a really strong supporting cast but would have been lifted more by stronger leads.

My Life Is Murder: Call Of The Wild
Episode 1, Season 2

Not as good as the first season
A bit of a disappointment, no Kieran and Lucy Lawless has sacrificed her cheekbones for an awful lot of filllers, so it's difficult to concentrate. A new area as well, all seems a bit disjointed.

Cloudy with a Chance of Love

Out performs its genre!
Finally a romance TV movie which actually has a credible female lead! She looks and sounds strong and convincing, still ticks the romantic lead boxes but adds something extra! I would love to see more of her and leads like her.

The story itself was likeable, if a little bland and the male leads puts in a pleasant of lightweight performance as he usually does. The supporting cast were all very capable and it leads to a very enjoyable film for once.


The acting was appalling, the premise a joke and the whole thing was a waste of time. I usually like Kellie Martin but this was just embarrassing for all concerned.

All Creatures Great & Small: The Perfect Christmas
Episode 7, Season 2

Okay but no classic episode
The actors as normal were great, I liked some modernising of minor characters but it was the contrived story and the especially poor special effects. Let's face it, it doesn't always snow but the white painted logs around where he picked the log to whittle up were just laughable.

Please get these stellar actors back to decent scripts and stop with the awful painted logs please!

Gourmet Detective

Shame they don't make these now
This was such a good series with an above average support cast with Bruce Boxleitner and Samantha Ferris, it seems they let the good shows go. Personally I would love to see a film with the older support actors in the Hallmark stable with Bruce Boxleitner and. Marilu Henner.

Dashing Home for Christmas

An okay story done on a tight budget
This was an average film, with two likeable actors taking the leads so was an enjoyable hour or so spent.

There were a number of continuity errors in it and as it was as usual with these films, obviously summer, the close set looked quite poor at times.

A nice film and will hopefully lead the actors to bigger budget films, which they deserve.

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