
IMDb member since July 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 11 months



Watch Dopesick or The Crime of the Century instead
This series was overdone, over-acted, and over-sensationalized. Maybe that was the point so you felt sick/overdosed on the series. However it missed the importance of how the Sacklers and their minions impacted our communities and our nation by becoming legalized drug dealers. They created an epidemic that we didn't understand and had all of us blaming the victims for years by not understanding the chemistry of the drug. This series missed these points, missed good acting, lacked empathy, and lacked good dialogue. It's disjointed and poorly directed. The symbolism is lost in the soap opera dramatics of it all. Not all of the sales reps were women nor were they pimped out with a madam leading the pack. This is a poor representation of a crisis that is still ongoing. It's a shame. If you take a project on, then do right by the victims.

Spoiler Alert

Beautifully Executed
This movie is Steel Magnolias, Beaches, and Terms of Endearment wrapped up in a rainbow. The story is told in a way that has you as the viewer invested until the end. It is directed, written, and acted to perfection. Which is why it is unfortunate it hasn't been recognized with more awards and/or nominations. I can't speak to how it compares to the book, but I can say that it stands on its own. The direction and how it is edited keep you moving with the characters. Take the time to watch, but it may be best to watch with those you feel safe around to be vulnerable. You'll not only laugh but ugly cry. Enjoy the ride.

The Terminal List

How does this series have this high of a rating? To start it's miscast (except for Taylor Kitsch) which makes it hard to take anything they say seriously. It's VERY predictable. Plus, everything would have ended after the first episode in the real world. So

The Gray Man

You can't "Marvel" John Wick
Unfortunately the amazing cast of talented actors couldn't save this movie. The tone was off. If you go in with zero expectations you may be pleasantly entertained.

Honor Society

Many ways to improve
Hard to watch all of the manipulative, whiny, teenage agnst, I know better than everyone narration. Which in turn made it hard to connect with the characters. Once the narrating took a pause and the characters were allowed to play out, the story became interesting.

Free Guy

Entertaining enough
If you like the typical Reynolds treament then you'll like this movie. Overall good premise that is light and fun. The directing and editing could use some work.

Being the Ricardos

Ok but tough not to pick at
Nicole Kidman did a good job on a tough role. I struggled with some of the liberties that were taken in the timeline or delivery of topics that lead more to a work of fiction. If you like Sorkin's method of writing and directing you may like this movie.

Don't Look Up

5 years too late to be funny
Read the current climate. This hits too close to home to live it all again with a comet rather than a pandemic. It's depressing rather than funny. The acting is great but the direction is purposely & unnecessarily disjointed.

Reservation Dogs

Heart warming, innovative, and funny
There's no way to describe this show and do it justice. Each episode gets better and better. It'll be worth your time.

The White Lotus

I want my 7 hours that I wasted back
This show is mislabeled as a comedy or dark comedy. The only thing laughable is that this script was greenlit. If it weren't for the caliber of actors, viewers would see this is as nothing but vile and a waste of time.

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