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Thir13en Ghosts

I've always liked it
Since this movie came out in theaters in 2001, I've been a fan. The first thing I have always appreciated about this movie is the ghosts are portrayed by real people and not CGI. On top of that they look cool and they all have their own backstory. The second thing I appreciate about the movie is it's almost nonstop action. I was never bored. And the third thing: I just love Tony Shalhoub (and I like Matthew Lillard's character too). Visually it's a very cool-looking movie. I wish the house were real and someplace you could visit and walk through. I've seen the original as well, and even though this one strayed from the original story quite a bit, I still think they did a great job incorporating all of the ghosts into the plot.

Victorious: Freak the Freak Out
Episode 13, Season 1

Regardless of what episode number this is...
I basically had to watch this show because of my daughter, but I genuinely enjoyed part 1 and most of part 2 of this episode. First of all, having the 2 best singers perform together made my soul happy. Elizabeth and Ariana have incredible singing voices (plus their characters are my favorites), so their duet rocked. And Trina - omg! Hilarious! How they ever got through making this episode I'll never know, because she was hysterical! Even Tori was amusing while dealing with her. My only complaint for this episode is the same with every other episode: Tori sings to save the day. She's not a bad singer, of course, but not nearly the best, so having her as the star got on my nerves.

The Descent: Part 2

Don't watch - it'll just make you mad
This movie is one of many, many, maaaaaaany examples of "you shoulda stopped at one." Reason 1: my issue with almost every sequel: when they make one purely for profit and not because it adds to the story. Never goes well.

Reason 2: the ending is absolutely infuriating.

Reason 3: they relied on claustrophobia to freak you out because the shock and horror of the "crawlers" from the first film would've worn off.

Reason 4: for some unknown reason they changed the look of the "crawlers" in this movie. They're grey instead of white. Why? Who knows? They have rows of teeth like sharks. The crawlers are meant to be an evolution from humans, therefore this is impossible.

There's nothing good about this movie.

Dracula II: Ascension

At the end of "Dracula 2000" I thought to myself "I want a vampire movie where the hot vampire wins at the end and gets his vampy babe." I got my wish with this sequel. It's not exactly a good movie, but quite frankly, all I was after was the eye candy. Dracula is hot. I love the way this one ended. So much so that I have no interest in the third one. The other characters were pretty much filler, except for Jason Scott Lee's character (who's really cool). The twist with Lowell was highly predictable, but still appreciated. Also the effect of the guy who got his face bitten off turning vamp was awesome! Nice touch. But again, the main appeal of this movie (in my opinion) was Dracula. He can bite me anytime.

Evil Dead Rise

I never had any interest in this movie in the first place being a fan of the originals, but my daughter wanted to watch it, so I went along with it, and strongly regretted the decision throughout the whole film. Boring, predictable, largely poor acting, and an obscene overload of fake blood. The only reason I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 was because of how cool Ellie looked as a deadite. Outside of her performance, this film was greatly lacking in pretty much everything. There are so few decent horror films these days. They all use the same things: creepy moments and/or sudden movements and over-the-top gore. I do not recommend.


One of the greatest films ever made
I couldn't believe it when I saw this movie has a much lower rating than it deserves. I watched this for the first time when it came out in theaters, and as a child I became terrified of storms. That fear stayed with me until high school when it turned into fascination. I began to love storms, and this movie has me wanting to go storm chasing every time I see it! Which is pretty often, because no matter how many times I watch a good movie, it never gets old. I love the cast, the story, the characters, the effects, and even the roar of the tornadoes! It gives the twisters a life of their own making them their own characters!

Fifty Shades of Grey

Whatever. I dig it
I don't care what the haters say, nor do I understand the hate, but whatever. I like these films. I haven't read the books yet, but I probably will at some point. Being both someone with BDSM experience and a romantic, I understood both characters, and therefore enjoyed the chemistry and the story. In many ways I envied Ana (though buff, rich dudes aren't my type cuz I'm more low key and like 'em tall and skinny), but I would love a playroom of my own someday. I can't say whether or not I'd recommend these films, just because they're either gonna be someone's taste or not with little to no in-between, but I'm a fan.

Shin Kamen Raidâ

Couldn't wait for the ending
I so wanted this to be good as a fan of kamen rider and Shin Godzilla, but I hated it from beginning to end. There was almost no character development. I couldn't bring myself to care about any of them. And why was Kamen Rider so shaky? Dude looked like he had some sort of neurological disorder. He was literally shaking in every scene - like trembling as though he were freezing cold in every single scene. Other than in the intro, the fight scenes that are normally so exciting and well-choreographed in the series were rushed and uninteresting in this movie. The climactic battle was especially boring, which is very unusual for kamen rider. Wasn't a fan and will never watch again.

Monk: Mr. Monk and the Magician
Episode 15, Season 7

This episode broke my heart
Like just about every other episode, this one was predictable. I knew what was gonna happen early on, but I kept praying I was wrong! But I wasn't. They killed Kevin 😭 I was devastated. I loved Kevin! Sure he was annoying, but just like Adrian, his quirks were part of his charm. I'll miss seeing him and hearing his neverending rambles. RIP Kevin.

Despite losing a beloved character and the episode's usual predictability, I found the plot intriguing. Using a remarkable magician was equally as interesting as the savant chess player. Having Monk go head-to-head with others as brilliant as he makes for good TV!

Grave Encounters

One of my favorites!
I've been a horror fan since childhood and this is one of my all-time favorites of the genre! And by far my most favorite of the found footage sub-genre. I showed it to my 12-year-old and it scared the $h!t out of her! I'm hard to scare (almost impossible), but I still enjoyed the hell out of this movie. It's setup beautifully, it keeps you on your toes, it feels real (which is what I love about found footage - when done well), and I am absolutely a fan of horror films that don't have a happy ending. I recommend this movie to any and all horror fans, or anyone just looking for a good scary movie.

The Ring

When this movie came out, I was SO excited to see it, because everyone kept saying how terrifying it is! Even the ticker taker at the theater looked at my ticket and said "Oh...that's *scary.*" I felt so psyched up until the movie started. I spent the rest of my time angry because I felt shafted. This movie isn't even remotely scary in any way, shape or form. I don't understand how anyone found it frightening. Maybe it's just because I've been a horror fan since I was a kid, but this film was a major disappointment for me. It didn't even frighten my 13-year-old daughter. I gave it 2 stars: 1 for Noah being hot and 1 for Aidan being a cool, creepy kid.


Really cool film
I love Japanese movies and shows, but have struggled to find horror films I like, even though I've been an American horror film fan all my life, but this one I liked! American horror films have become very predictable, and I loved the originality of the plot in this movie. It wasn't over-the-top gory and it had a decent creep factor. I did find myself yelling at the TV toward the end (watch it and you'll see why), and as another reviewer pointed out I did find it odd how the characters didn't seem all that bothered by the events that take place each night they're stuck in the loop, but I do recommend trying this movie out if you're a fan of Japanese media and horror films. Make sure you watch the end credit scene!

As Good as It Gets

I don't...get it
From the very beginning I was confused by this film. Naturally seeing it starred Nicholson I was expecting to love it, but it was just...odd. There were a few amusing scenes, but for the most part I just couldn't figure this movie out. I kept waiting for it to come together somehow, but it never did. It just felt disorganized and kind of all over the place. I still loved Nicholson. His character is very interesting, even if I don't fully understand what's going on. At one moment Nicholson's character said something so endearing I upped my rating from 3 out of 10 to 4. Those few enjoyable moments were what allowed me to finish the movie, though I'll never watch it again.

Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm

I'm a huge fan of the show, so of course I was excited to watch a new movie. Sadly it wasn't nearly as good as the show was. I had hoped to see more familiar characters, but instead was introduced to several new and very interesting ones. It hurts me to say there's something ATHF I don't like, cuz the show was so brilliant and hilarious, but this movie just didn't do it for me. The humor seemed to be the same, but it just didn't deliver like it used to. I'm so sad. Still love you, ATHF.

This is the part where I just try to fulfill the ridiculous character requirements so I can submit my review.


Never get tired of it
I've watched this movie so many times and I still enjoy it. The characters are well-developed and the relationships among them feel so real. It reminded me of times when I'd fight with my sister, spending summers with my cousin out-of-state, drama with my parents, and even though the loss of my step mom couldn't have been as painful as Carolyn's passing for the kids, I still feel that pain and always hope she'll recover in the end even though I know she won't. Plus RuPaul's cameo is amazing. The only thing I can't stand about this film is the way Troy's visit to her aunt and uncle's house was filmed. I understand why it was filmed that way, but it also makes it very obnoxious to watch. Still, all in all it's an enjoyable movie. I showed it to my daughter and she likes it too.


Started out great
The 8 stars are for seasons 1 and 2. The rest get 1 star. I couldn't stand the character of Jessie, so I was relieved to see a show with just the kids (even though Luke was only in a couple episodes), including Mrs. Kipling. Seasons 1 and 2 were great. I loved the characters and each episode was entertaining. Some people are so offended by stereotypes, but they exist for a reason, and I find them amusing. It was a shame, though, that after the second season we started losing characters and Lou began changing. She was originally a hilarious character, but then she started turning into more and more of a "pretty girl" as the show went on. I loved her when she was more natural and goofy. I just couldn't bear all the changes after season 2.


Not Wednesday
If you're going to change characters to this degree, make new characters. I don't understand the drastic changes to well-established and beloved characters we've been seeing in Hollywood for some time now. There's nothing wrong with taking inspiration, but taking liberties such as the ones seen in this show is, in my opinion as a huge fan of the Addams family, completely unacceptable. I don't see how any fan of the Addams' could enjoy it unless you completely separate it from every other version as though it existed in some alternate universe. As much as I hope Hollywood will get the message, I'm not optimistic.


Not bad
I grew up with 90s Nickelodeon, so it's very difficult for 2000s Nickelodeon to catch my attention, but this show was actually bearable. I'd watch it with my daughter on occasion, and I found most of the cast to be very entertaining. I love Jade. She reminds me of young me. Some people have said Beck is "flat," but I disagree. I think he's an excellent balance for Jade. Robbie is adorably awkward and very amusing. Some people think Trina is annoying, but I found her hilarious. I can only imagine how many times they had to call cut from the laughter during the episode where Trina was healing from dental work. Cat. Oh my sweet, adorable Cat. It's hard not to love her. My only complaint is her character wasn't consistent throughout the show. Still loved every minute she was on screen - especially when singing. Andre is a good character too, but clearly his greatest talent is music. Then there's Tori. Couldn't stand her. I feel bad for saying that because her acting was enjoyable, but like some other reviewers have mentioned, it's laughable that she was always the one to be the star when she's the least talented singer of the girls in the group. I'm not saying she can't sing, because she obviously can, but Liz and Ariana have faaaaaaaaar better voices and range. That made me dislike the character greatly. And finally there's Sikowitz: the oh-so-amusing drama teacher. Loved him!

That's all.

Jûhan Shuttai

Very enjoyable show
You don't have to be a fan of manga to enjoy this show. I've never read a manga, but thanks to this series I've not only learned a bit about it, it has also piqued my interest. I very much enjoyed the characters in this show, as well as the story, and all the surprises thrown in. The main character is a bundle of energy and positivity. She has a way of making you want to always "ganbare" (do your best). The other characters add so much depth as well as entertainment. As cliche as it sounds, they really will make you laugh and they'll make you cry. There's a good blend of comedy and drama to hold your attention through all 10 episodes. Highly recommend.

Fight Song

Kawaii and entertaining
I'm a total sucker for Japanese romance, and this show did not disappoint. First the characters are absolutely lovable - and there are plenty of familiar faces if you watch a fair amount of Japanese media. The main characters, Hanae and Ashida, are adorable together! You can't help but laugh with them. Even though it's a mini-series, the story never felt rushed. It flowed nicely and kept me hooked until the end. Some parts even made me tear up! The music is quite catchy in this show as well. My only complaint is that it's over! I highly recommend this show to any fellow lover of Japanese romance.

Chris Porter: A Man from Kansas

Too attractive apparently
Like most people, I discovered Chris Porter while watching his first special "Ugly and Angry" and it was great! I laughed the whole time. But sadly, since he's gotten less ugly, he's also become less funny. I saw him live once, his second special, and now this one. Something's different. Perhaps it's the fact he's much more doable since that first special. Maybe if he grew out the long curly hair and wore a hideous outfit again, he'd make me laugh. I literally counted how many times he said "dick" in this special. 33 times. And that was in the first half hour. Glad he hasn't lost the "angry" at all, though. So we still have that going for us. I hate people and the things they do too.


Hopeful for a sequel
I don't care what anyone else says, I loved this movie. Morbius and Venom aren't cookie cutter superhero movies. They're different, and that's why I love them. Jared Leto is a great actor (not to mention gorgeous), and Morbius is a very interesting character. Sometimes the effects were so busy it was a little hard to really tell what's going on, but the same could be said about any other CGI action film. I hope they go through with the sequel - especially after the teaser with Michael Keaton.


Captivating, but...
...whoever did the makeup on this show should never be allowed to do makeup for film ever again! Everyone looks yellowish orange, sometimes there's something odd like purple lips, and the makeup looks caked on like when a mortician is preparing a body for a funeral. It was kind of distracting, but absolutely love the show otherwise.

And Just Like That...

Geriatric sex and the woke city
Like it or not, most people don't want to watch old ladies having sex. I mean Carrie gets a hip replacement for crying out loud, Miranda is suddenly gay despite the fact she made it very clear in the original show she's straight, and Charlotte's face is full of filler. The ladies should've taken a page from Kim Cattrall's book and let the series be. Move on.

Staying Alive

Whatever. I love this movie
I love the music, I love the early 80s feel, I love the dance sequences, I love Stallone's cameo, I love Cynthia's singing, and I love Travolta's portrayal of how Tony has grown as a person over the 5 years since the events that took place throughout "Saturday Night Fever."

I have absolutely no interest in whether or not a movie has "aged well" (whatever that means). I enjoy watching old movies and going back in time with them. I don't care if it is worthy of an Oscar. I only care that the movie was enjoyable, and I think this one is.

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