
IMDb member since July 2021
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    2 years, 10 months


Po tamburi

Unforgettable time you will regret
I had an opportunity to watch this movie on its world premiere at Pula Film Festival in Croatia. I have to add that local audience was having good time watching this movie and maybe it's just hard to understand for foreign viewers.

Although, it's trailer was weird but appealing for me. For the first 30 minutes of movie I still thought something will happen and this "comedy" will start to be funny. Suddenly not and with time passing it was just getting more boring and after an hour or so I was counting time left to the end. I can't criticise actors or recording. I just think that script/main plot was very poor and it was impossible to get more from it. I can't recommend but if you like Croatian movies, you might try it out.

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