
IMDb member since July 2021
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A Man in Full

Ridiculously Absurd with an Apparently Stupid Ending
I was not aware of the book. Once I was on Ep. 3 I looked up reviews & thankfully came across the summary of the ending which is even dumber than the episodes I watched. Bankers want their money, not assets they have to dispose of later. Why did the banker have such a personal beef with Charlie? Bankers don't act that way. Nobody breeds horses like that anymore & why would he take these people he wanted money from to his ranch to show them horses breeding anyway?! And catching a coiled DBack bare handed is something experienced snake Ranglers don't do without a hook. Like others said Charlie character was over the top and sounded like Foghorn Leghorn. Whenever I looked up reviews & saw "bizarre ending explained" I was out. Do not waste time on this one.

The Collective

MST3000 Needs to do this movie!
This movie is so bad it's hilarious. From the bad acting & script to the cardboard door, toy cap guns & people being led around in dog collars with chains that once held swag lamps! 😆 Why would Paul Ben-Victor agree to this mess? He's a good actor. And Tyrese's character gets stabbed in the gut, next scene he's sitting at a desk giving instructions like nothing happened. The fight scenes are a riot. I got some really good belly laughs out of this one. This is an action movie spoof albeit unintentional. The music is straight out of a bad 80s movie. And Don Johnson, well you would think all the years he's been acting, he would get better, but alas he's still a bad actor. 😅

Firefly Lane

Actors Too Young for Timeline
This show is okay. I am not a fan of continual flashbacks. What nobody has mentiines is that the actors are in their 40s which means they would have been teens in the 90s, not 74-82. They weren't born until the mid-late 70s. I am 59 and graduated in 1981. So they either needed to cast older actors or change the flashback timeline to match their ages. I categorize this show as a time passer. Meaning it is a show you watch to pass time because it isn't exciting. There reLly isn't anything much going on. It is about relationships and jealousy and regret. I did not know this was a book and have not read it.


Bad Acting & Bad Accents
They should have called this Brits with bad accents. LOL I'm tired of so many Brits playing Anericans in movies & shows. Do we have a shortage of American actors? The one that plays the son I knew right away was a Brit because of his poor attempt at an American accent. The one that plays the daughter's accent is so over the top it's laughable. I like Trace Atkins and his music but he is a terrible actor. I don't know why Susan Sarandon is even in this show. I watched about 25 minutes of it and did not care anything about any of the characters and could not get past all of the over the top bad accents and bad acting to finish it.

Keep Breathing

Skip It If you Value Your Time
Like many other reviewers, I fast forwarded to the end after the second episode. Like others said, it was very unrealistic and the flashbacks were BOOOOOORING! I couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to know the ending. I cannot stand movies/shows that only have one person with little dialogue (except for the stupid flashbacks). I couldn't make it through Cast Away or All is Lost. Even Hanks and Redford can't make one person movies watchable (IMHO). So, once I knew it would just be her and those flashbacks, I was out.

The Power of the Dog

Don't Waste Your Time
I watched about 15 minutes during which time absolutely nothing happened. 2 main characters were completely uninteresting and one unlikeable. A woman who runs some kind of restaurant and bar where people hang out. If you're the average person looking to be entertained for a couple of hours, skip this one. I guess if you're some upity film snob or critic, apparently you will enjoy being bored to tears for 2 hours. LOL I'm glad I gave up after 15 minutes.


Just Don't
Like other reviewers said, leftist, woke trash. And not even close to the Amanda Knox story. Don't waste your time as it's boring as well. It's insulting to anyone from the South. Hollyweird strikes again.

Out of Death

Why is the Leading Female So Dumb?!!
What everyone else says plus, let's make the female lead as dumb as a rock. Female lead: Oh, I just saw an obviously crooked cop shoot somebody in a drug deal gone wrong, let me surrender to them." Not even enough eye roll emojis for that one. Then "let me run out in front of the bad guy so he knows where I am for no apparent reason." OMG! This is the most ridiculous movie ever and the acting is worse than bad if that's possible. And why is it shot in some weird muted color format?

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