
IMDb member since August 2021
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    2 years, 10 months


Kartoffelsalat - Nicht fragen!

I dont know where to start
Overall: The movie is bad.

The story is written like a 10 to 20-minute YouTube-Sketch.

And if it would have been this it would be a great video but they streched it 80 minutes, filled it with jokes they warmed up in their microwave and added some more youtube trash stars that are not good at acting. The editing also feels like a youtube video. But sometimes you feel like they had a good idea but they failed to execute it well. So: There are YouTuber movies that are worse and because of that i'll rate it with 3/10 (Bad).

1: Awfull 2: Really Bad 3-4: Bad 5: Ok 6-8: Good 9: Really Good 10: Perfect.

Kartoffelsalat 3 - Das Musical

Better than the first movie, but still just ok
The story no longer feelslike a 10-minute YouTube sketch that was stretched to 90 minutes, as it did in the first film.

Also, the characters seem more realistic and the acting skills of the actors is defenitively better. The singing performances weren't thst bad either.

So overall I would give it an "Ok"(5/10 are approximately 3 Stars which means "Ok"). It's not a movie you have to see, but if you can get it at a good price (for free) and you have nothing else to do, it's good enough to skip some time. Especially if you like the people involed in the making of this movie you can get a good viewing experience.

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