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Avatar: The Last Airbender

It's serviceable
It was a mistake having to go into this with expectations even knowing that it wouldn't even be anywhere near the level the animated series was on. But it looked well enough for it to be considered as a worthy adaptation and honestly looking back at the season, it does try to make it be that way, but it runs into the habit of "biting more than it can chew."

To say it's a disappointment can be understandable but I've also always been under the perception that adaptations or remakes need to be viewed under an entirely different lens as it's essentially a new take of the story it's basing it off of. I can cut it some slack but even still it's hard to go through some of these scenes because there's a lot that's being poorly merged together even though it shouldn't really have done that to begin with.

You have several storylines that are trying to fit into the main narrative and multiple episodes basically acting as two parters. The structure feels off especially when you get to the halfway point of the season and I feel as though a rewrite could have been needed to improve the overall pacing. There's certainly some things they did right but it was like when one good thing happens, it's followed up by five bad things.

True Detective

An invigorating crime mystery
A gruelling and challenging show that depicts the true horror of humanity. Its a story that confronts morality and the suffering that is caused by an unjust society. The main leads perfectly depict those ideas because even though there individual lives are vastly different, they've both been corrupted in similar ways.

It doesn't stay away from the horrors and it doesn't make you feel like there was any victory in solving the mystery. In the end, it just leaves a feeling of hopelessness and despair that is unshakable.

It's a show that delivers on virtually every aspect and diverts from the norms of other crime mystery shows.

Mahô shôjo Madoka magika: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

The destruction of the human soul (told through magical girls)
It's always really something special when you have a show that comes along that totally misleads you in a very good way and I think this was the textbook example of how to do that. The first two episodes is essentially world-building. It slowly but effectively pulls you into this story and immediately after that, it does a complete 360 with the ending of the third episode.

I do find it interesting how it takes the concept of the magical girl and humanize it in a way that can implement a sense of realism. Every single one of these characters go through a conflicted journey and whether it's tackling their own self-beliefs or morale, the creators make sure that is showcased front and center.

The plot might have been what hooked you in but the story was what kept you watching.

The Bear: The Bear
Episode 10, Season 2

The true cost of success
A brilliant and impactful finale that really culminates everything that has been shown throughout this season.

Season 2 brought a lot more emotion by tackling the heart of the crew. It focused on their ups and their downs and how they dealt with it in their own way. This was really a season of self reflection. Characters taking a step back and focusing on themselves trying to do what's best but ultimately dealing with their own messy lives outside the restaurant.

Some characters seem to get over their own hurdles while others are in neglect of accepting a truth they can't bare to acknowledge. That was basically what this season was trying to do, and it really did an amazing job at making these characters feel like human beings.

The Bear: Omelette
Episode 9, Season 2

Calm before the storm
A lot of anticipation that this episode builds and a lot of stakes that have come with it. This is essentially the 'calm before the storm' but this episode shows a little conflict within itself. With this episode and the previous one, everybody has come back to the restaurant with their newfound experiences but it feels like there is an insane amount of doubt that is wandering over the crew.

Whether it'd be from the state of other restaurants or outside factors such as their families or relationships, the preparation for the opening hasn't come without its problems but to me it comes down to the individuals that make the restaurant what it is and I'm glad that it was the main focus for this season because it does bring in that sense of family that there trying to showcase.

The Bear: Bolognese
Episode 8, Season 2

Culmination of newfound experiences
To me this acted as the culminating episode. This takes it back to the beginning of the season where in order to make the restaurant work, they had to improve themselves going on separate journeys.

Its a big reason why this season worked. Seeing what they've been through and experienced and putting that towards the restaurant, it's quite satisfying and it does feel fulfilling. Knowing that, it definitely makes the end of the episode feel like a massive breakthrough.

Seeing snippets of their lives during the fire suppression test was moving cause you actually feel for these people and what they've had to endure to make everything possible.

The Bear: Forks
Episode 7, Season 2

one of the greatest redemption arcs in tv
I implore more shows to take this episode as an example of how to grow a character. Towards this point in the season, Richie has been a backdrop for a majority of the episodes.

Although it may seem like a critique considering the fact that he is one of the main characters it actually quite suits him because we know that Richie doesn't necessarily have any skills to benefit the crew, that's why he's always been in the background trying to make himself apart of the team.

That part of Richie is what made this episode one of the best in the show. It's a great character study looking into a person that wants to find purpose and this episode captures that idea perfectly well.

The Bear: Fishes
Episode 6, Season 2

Dinner with the in-laws (gone wrong)
Now I know this episode really resonated to a lot of people. You don't get a 9.6 on this site for nothing. It was a stress inducing episode infused with an insane amount of chaos.

That chaotic element is what works for this show and I'm glad that we get yet another episode that does that but also balances it out with a gripping story alongside it. The characters more specifically how they interact and the emotion was the true headline here. The show captures a vulnerability that haunts every one in this house and the deeper you go into this episode the more it swallows them whole.

Now I personally think that this was basically the "Review" episode and although it remains to be my favorite, Fishes was a great mini story that is certainly carried by its performances.

The Bear: Pop
Episode 5, Season 2

Goes off-track but still has its moments
Season so far is going in the direction of prioritizing its characters and their development. This episode pretty much offers that.

It tackles the insecurities of these characters as we get to see them dealing with some heavy handed situations on their own. Episode purposely side tracks itself for the sake of growing these characters.

They are flawed individuals who we see actively make mistakes. It doesn't make it any better that their lives outside of work isn't all that well either too. But that is just to show that life doesn't come without its hardships and sometimes a struggle will come for us all and we have no choice but to deal with it.

Although it might have been one of the weaker episodes this season it doesn't fail at sustaining some good moments to it.

The Bear: Honeydew
Episode 4, Season 2

Marcus's journey
Its been made clear that this season was going to take a different approach. While the ultimate goal is the opening of the restaurant it also prioritizes on character growth and I think that is truly shown here.

I really liked how Marcus was the main focus here. We get to know more about his passion but also about his personal life. He's always been a character that hasn't really been showcased too much but this episode certainly changed that.

He has always been an interesting character to me because he's such a genuine person who is not as chaotic compared to the rest of the crew. Giving him his own episode where he ventures on a journey of discovery is something that was needed from him.

Also the addition of Will Poulter was quite a surprise and it definitely gave this episode a massive boost.

The Bear: Sundae
Episode 3, Season 2

Losing momentum
Doesn't quite pack the punch that the first two episodes brought.

The lack of that chaotic energy was certainly felt, not really saying that it should be like that every time but when this show sort of settles down thats when things start to feel a bit slow.

This episode brings up the idea that Sydney might be questioning her trust in Carmy. Now it's understandable why she might feel this way but its sort of been like that since season 1. I wonder if that narrative will actually impact the overall story or if it will just be an obstacle for her to get past.

Overall, an episode that I do think loses this seasons momentum but it does carry over some interesting plot developments.

The Bear: Pasta
Episode 2, Season 2

Make or Brake Time
A very strong follow-up episode that delves into psyche of the crew. There's certainly a lot of risk with this revitalization project there doing and they know that.

Its gonna be interesting to see how these characters will handle that because the struggle is always where you'll make or brake and it will be fascinating to see how this show presents that.

Its a fast paced show but its not afraid to settle down a bit when needed and I think that is where the show strives at. It takes its time when trying to humanize these characters and shed some light on what there going through.

Its a stressful show obviously but it's also a show that's not scared to go deep.

The Bear: Beef
Episode 1, Season 2

Heading into the fire
Talk about an opener. This episode does not ease you in whatsoever. It brings back that chaotic and stress inducing feel almost immediately.

First episodes are usually a great way to showcase what you would be presenting for the rest of the season and this episode perfectly represents that.

Restaurant is getting a massive facelift and the crew have no time to waste as they are on a short deadline to rebuild this decaying establishment.

Now that's the plot but in terms of its story theres a lot that will be explored here. What's great is that you have a whole list of characters that actually mean a lot to this story and to know that they will be fleshed out even further all while expanding the plot from the first season is something to be praised about.

Secret Invasion

Waste of my time
Very shocking to think that I was actually down to watching this show. Now the concept of a secret civilization undermining our daily lives is good and makes up for a good show right?

Problem with that is this show doesn't really make it seem to feel that way. Yes there are moments where we see the Skrulls infiltration on Earth but other than that it doesn't really make its presence felt.

Characters and storylines feel poorly written as if it needed to crammed into 6 episodes with 40 minute runtimes. It doesn't quite make any sense why Marvel is not properly fleshing out its narrative with these stories.

They have large implications to the plot but its like there rushing to get to something of a conclusion which led to some of the most mediocre stuff I've seen from this franchise.

Secret Invasion: Home
Episode 6, Season 1

What was this
At this point Marvel seriously needs to consider what they put out because if they keep releasing stuff like this I highly doubt people will come check out the next new project/franchise they pull out from their bag.

This episode was supposed to be the culminating event of the series but what we get is some convoluted mess that downgrades everything that I've seen from the first five episodes.

Gi'ah single handedly handedly ends Gravik's revenge plan and Fury was able to prevent world war 3. But my question from all this is what did Fury really do? The reason he came back to Earth was to save the Skrulls from Gravik and help them be seen as good people to the public eye but ultimately in the end everyone on Earth sees Skrulls as terrorist that need to be hunted down and Fury just leaves after that.

Never seen a show that dramatically drops itself this badly and unfortunately Marvel will keep doing this until they say otherwise.

Secret Invasion: Harvest
Episode 5, Season 1

Feels like we've only scratched the surface
A very minuscule improvement from the last episode mainly due to the fact that I wasn't being bored by this one. This is still not that good of an episode as it still feels like there actively setting even though this is the second to last episode.

It feels like this is written as if this is the midway point to the season like they've had multiple episodes they've planned before the ending. The fact that characters are everywhere and the story doesn't seem like its not really making an impact is something that doesn't go unnoticed.

It still makes me question the nature of what this show was truly intended to be because its not living up to what the fans expected.

Secret Invasion: Beloved
Episode 4, Season 1

Nothing really good about this one
I'm quite so-so on what this show has become and by now I've just began to accept that there's nothing it can do to make it better.

I'm not really sure what's hindering this show from reaching its potential. Fury is fine but I just think that every character is barely watchable. I mean this show grapples on the idea of trust and betrayal but they just don't move forward with that and just keep it at a minimum.

Everything that they've started with from the first episode is not being sought out enough and this is the third last episode. Fury is still trying to get help but is barely getting any and Gravik's revenge plot is just there without any sort of deeper analysis too it.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed
Episode 3, Season 1

it's ehh... I guess
Forgot to make a review for this and it kind of make's sense as to why that was.

This episode was painfully mid to put it plain and simple. It doesn't really have a lot going for it just the casual espionage episode to show how tense things are getting without having it actually feel like that.

Like i'm waiting for something, anything to happen but it's just not happening. The show is refusing to showcase it's potential and is instead playing the waiting game with me for no reason.

I mean what i've seen so far isn't bad technically but it's hard to not see the cracks showing and to be honest it's kind of looking like I may start to see it's downfall.

XO, Kitty

They really took the rough draft and said this is it.

A romance drama that has a fun lively tone that explores themes of maturity & coming of age. That of itself is a good way to start a show but for some reason the show runners decided to tell it in the most ridiculous way possible.

Let's just look with how this show started. Kitty goes to South Korea and is enrolled to her mom's school to learn more about her and to get to be with her boyfriend who is also attending that school.

No problems there but the show decides to expand on this and create a multitude of storylines that branch out far beyond my imagination. It makes the boyfriend and mom stuff seem to be at the back end to whatever they wanted to do.

I mean why do this in the first place because it just creates a huge amount of stuff that you really shouldn't have had to begin with. You could easily throw away several characters and plot lines and it would make the show at least watchable.

You can have good themes, notable actors and emotional moments but that doesn't do you anything if the writing is weak.

Secret Invasion: Promises
Episode 2, Season 1

Getting interesting
So far I wouldn't say I'm ecstatic about this show but I think with what i've seen so far it's sort of like a breath of fresh air from what the MCU has produced post endgame.

Speaking on this episode they do a fairly good job at expanding this story. The Skrulls have grown upset that Fury hasn't provided them a new home and in retaliation they send a message that has obviously raised concerns.

We get to know more about Fury but also Gravik who I think stole the spotlight here. His motivations are very understandable and it's clear that he is on a mission to exact justice for his people. This episode demonstrates that and it is interesting how this will carry out moving forward.

Not exactly an improvement from the first episode, I think there is a lot of stuff that they need to cover and hopefully the next couple of episodes does that.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection
Episode 1, Season 1

Doing something different but still needs a lot to happen
Very different then what we usually see from the MCU. I'm glad that they went back to a more serious tone because it was getting kind of repetitive with the overwhelming comedy.

Starting with the positives, I do like how this show presents itself as. It's an espionage thriller that has an antagonistic force that could actually pose a threatening danger.

On top of that, you have Nick Fury coming to terms with himself. He is not who he once was and I like how they showcased that. The world has vastly changed and it makes sense that he's sort of become lost in all this mess.

Now I don't think this was a great opener. I think they rushed over the parts that should have had the time to develop properly (Skull invasion/Soren,Talos & G'iah/Fury's time away).

And I also do think that ending felt forced for the sake of showing audiences what's at stake here.

There's certainly a lot that this show needs to do and I do hope there can be better episodes than this one.


A special treat
In a time where adaptions and franchises are getting shoved in our faces, it's great to see an original series that feels fresh and unique.

Going into Beef I was expecting to be surprised with how everyone's reactions were and not only did I like it, it completely shattered any expectations I had.

This is a show that takes a fairly simple plot and turns it into an emotionally resonating story that is heavily carried by two amazing performances.

As each episode goes by you just get drawn into Danny and Amy's lives and I like how the creators of the show were able to showcase their stories.

There are definitely moments were they go over the top but there is nothing that draws you away from the show. It's a well-written, well-acted show that is undeniably great.

Beef: Figures of Light
Episode 10, Season 1

Light at the end of the tunnel
A very touching yet satisfying last episode that kind of comes full circle with how this show started.

Danny and Amy both have lost everything and now they are essentially stuck in the same rot. It seems very fitting for their situations and I liked how over time they have come to embrace each other's presence.

Although their situation is bad you could look at it as a second chance for them. Both have moved on from their 'fake' lives and are presented with a fresh start. Although what comes at them will be hard, it gives them an opportunity to start over and become better people.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode.

Beef: The Great Fabricator
Episode 9, Season 1

Constant Chaos
This episode was nothing short of great. It delivers on a lot of things and it does give you that payoff that you've been waiting to see.

Right from the first episode, the road rage incident caused a domino effect leading to the catastrophe in this episode. Every character that was featured here only happened to be in that position because of Danny and Amy's choices.

This was all due to the decisions they've made and even before this episode you could have easily knew that things were only gonna get worse. This was the outcome they didn't want to happen but as each episode went by they became so engulfed in their trauma and their frustrations that it became impossible for them to ignore.

Actions have consequences and that is truly reflected in this episode.

Beef: The Drama of Original Choice
Episode 8, Season 1

tough upbringings
This is sort of an unusual episode when compared to the rest. This episode showcases the upbringings of both Danny and Amy's lives which was ultimately the cause to their current situations.

Both did not have the best of childhoods whether it was through their parents or with their struggles growing up. Their choices are what shaped them and it's kind of obvious that through their troubled past they've become not that good of a person.

The choices that they've made are what led them to this point and thanks to this episode we get a clear understanding as to how they've became the person they are now.

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