
IMDb member since August 2021
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Slow Horses

Written for modern sheeple
Starts promising with an interesting cat and mouse through Stansted Airport.

Soon becomes a parody of most modern entertainment, written with overview from a virtue signaling patronising totalitarian committee who no doubt see everyone as a gender or a skin colour. Look into my eyes, you are under, white man bad, all other people good, continue watching.

Will be supprised if this review is not censored like many of my others calling out THE MESSAGE but we shall see.

I will say, if you are able to stop the cringe reflex whilst being preached to by the privalidge elite, this may be worth a watch and may develop. As for me after the first episode it becomes clear this show is about one sided political programming first and entertainment a distant second, I cannot get past that.

Hard pass.

The Giver

Truly Magnificent
How did I miss this. A beautiful little film with a subtle message on today's society without being cringworthy or woke.

Not overly long and I was actually unaware of the time when watching it.

Also a little prophetic. You must take your injection for your own good. Don't worry, it's not right or left leaning. If anything it's anti totalitarian, more love and pro freedom. More than anything its a good little story. Jeff Bridges shines and the cast is great. Good visuals and soundtrack.

Highly recommended.

Extra words to meet minimum for review.

Extra words to meet minimum for review. Extra words to meet minimum for review.


Too many Overcompensating Reviews
In a time of endless garbage and cringworthy woke forecefeeding something average and slightly less woke can seem good. It's not. Its still got the usual "strong woman" acting like a man and a whole race (French) stereotyped as evil (there is a word for that) in a flip on the treatment the Indians got in the 60s. Men can die left and right so long as "strong woman" continues on her path protected by ridiculous plot armour. If you feel I'm wrong, imagine all the genders are swapped and see how it looks. Tiresome lazy sexisum at best. Music is good.


If you liked Yellowstone there's a good chance you won't like this
This is the first Taylor Sheridan show I didn't like. Its nothing like Yellowstone and misses many opportunities to build the backstorry. It's very slow paced and I ended up fast forwarding a third of most episodes. Very disappointing overall for me but not a total shambles so I understand how others could like it. Just way to slow and too many uninteresting characters for me.

Black Bird

Great writing, well paced and acted, gripping from the start. The two leads in particular give gripping performances. Highly recommended. Not woke at all either.


Cringworthy woke rubbish
Written for professional victims with every misguided victim bullying play from the feminist playbook. I cannot believe this is from the same person who gave us Trainspotting, Exctasy and Filth. The Woke mind virus can affect the best of us. Avoid at all costs.

The Gray Man

Snappy stylish fun
Goslin and Evans shine. Pace is good, dialogue is sharp. It's not dumb but not pretentious either. Just a great entertaining action film. Has the best parts of Bond and Bourne with a lighthearted touch. Deserves a sequel.


Magnificent Television
Acting, pacing, story, characters are all excellent. Watch the first episode and you will know right off if this is for you. In my opinion it's better than any of the films. Excellent.

Top Gun: Maverick

Better than the Original
In an age where the Woke mind virus has polluted and destroyed so many franchises this could be an important cultural moment. The sucsess at the box office suggests that.

Brilliant story respecting the original, great cinematography, and an all round fantastic piece of non preaching pure entertainment. Don't think, just see it.


The Sopranos meets Dallas with a touch of Deadwood.
Such a breath of fresh air. The first thing I always want to know is if a show/movie is infected with the Woke mind virus, not this one. Secondly had it got good writing and production, absolutely.

Simply a brilliant throwback to quality entertainment. Fantastic.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Great film. Complex characters and relationships, brilliant plot. This writer/director has hit three home runs with Seven Phycopaths, In Bruges and this. Highly recommended.


Magnificent Film
Good acting, good pace, more than a Dog film. Rare too from Disney these days as it has no propaganda. Warning its emotional but well worth it. If you loved this film it worth looking up the story after as some of it is even more amazing in reality.


Great little film
A film about a veteran and a Dog, you get what it says on the tin, no woke BS, well acted and good pace, both funny and thoughtful at times. If you love animals you will probably love this film, if not then maybe it's not for you. Im a veteran and a Dog lover and I loved it.


Refreshing. Good entertainment.
Bucking the trend of sanctimonious woke excrement written for15 year old girls that is being spewed on us, this is good old fashioned well written grown up entertainment.

Well paced, well cast, good fight scenes and good dialogue. Needs a little concentration at times and something lacking in many these days - attention - but if you have these and you like movies and shows released before 2015, this could be for you.

The Family Man

What Movies Are About
It's subjective but I love this film. Great leads, heartwarming story and genuinely good moral message (not the corrupted narcissistic PC garbage nowadays). Its a feel good film that may make you reevaluate your priorities.

Con Air

Entertainment at its best
Don't take it too seriously, it's not that sort of film. Brilliant casting, great script and pace, just sit down and enjoy the ride. This is a perfect action movie from the era of great films.

Most Dangerous Game

Good pace and action, interesting but not complex story, as always Christoph Waltz is mesmerising, a little different format that really worked for me, watched in instalments over 2 days.

Overal very good 8/10 Cringe Woke Rating 0/10.

About Schmidt

Dreary film that good acting cannot salvage
After watching As Good as it Gets I thought I'd give this a try. Good lord it's self indulgent drivel. We get it, wasted life, missed opportunity, idiot in laws. Not funny, not really poignant either, just a slow dull film tryingto be clever, so dull it makes the good acting pointless. Hard pass.

As Good as It Gets

Filmmaking - as good as it gets
This is how it's done. Before Hollywoke became the cringworthy hypocrisy it is today they knew how to make great films with different people learning how to understand and look out for each other. Great acting, great characters, great story. If you are rational it might just make you a little more understanding of anyone with a different view to you. Either way it will entertain without being preachy. That's what films are for. This does it best.

Santa Inc.

Closet Bigotry
Cringworthy fashionable racism is the best thing I can say about this. To the show creators - look at the reviews, we see you for who you really are. Thank you humanity for giving us hope by calling out these bigots.

American Hero

Nice little movie but a bit slow
Not as bad as some reviews would have you belive but not a masterpiece either. Some lovely touches regarding true male friendship and a good insight into people just trying to get by. I enjoyed it but its not for the ADD crowd.

St George's Day

Solid Gangster Movie
Most of the poor reviews are likely from people with Low T. Whilst not being a masterpiece this is a film for those who like a good escape and enjoy masculine type movies (men and women). The acting is good, the film is slick. Good effort. Solid 7.

Terminator: Dark Fate

Woke Fate
Another franchise destroyed by Woke Supremacists.

Cringworthy, but actually a good comedy in a way. However if you think Ghostbusters 2016 is a fantastic movie, this is for you and the rating for you is 10. Enjoy.

Remember, man bad, women acting like man - good.

If you are capable of free thought watch T2 instead.

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