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Almost A Perfect 10
So a couple of my friends said I had this movie ranked too high in some of my lists, and one even said the remake was better, and that Robocop 2 was better. I hadn't seen this movie in years, but these comments shocked me, and started to give me doubts as to whether this movie still held up today, so a rewatch was imperative.

Well its safe to say that I don't agree with them. In fact, not only did it keep its 8 star rating, but I shifted it up a couple places in a few of my lists.

To be honest, I was going to push my rating up from a 8 to a 10, and I've only ever given 18 movies a perfect rating. Through most of the movie I really thought it was that good, much better than I remembered. I really loved how they teased Robocop in the beginning, and how everyone was eager to see him for the first time.

But there was just something about the final act that changed my mind, and made me keep it on a 8. I don't quite understand it, as there's nothing that I can single out in the final act that I didn't like. It just didn't quite seem on the same level as the rest of the movie, despite having one of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history, #acid. That being said, I still enjoyed the final act, just wasn't a perfect 10 like the rest of the movie.


One More To Be An All Time Great
I played with giving this movie a 9, but eventually settled on a 4, based on other movies I gave a 8. So maybe with time and re-watches of those other movies, Fury will be a 9. This movie has no fat, I have no issues, great story, great moments, emotion, its a great movie, I loved it. Had this movie as a 7 and not in any of my lists since 2014. I remembered I liked it, but just not enough to give it a proper placement in any of my lists. Now I've increased my rating and added it to my War, Writer Director, Brad Pitt and Top 500 lists. And its ranked pretty high in all of them. If David Ayer puts out one more movie that I really like, he'll have a place in my all time directors list.

The First Omen

What A Debut
So I watched this and 'Monkey Man' in the same night, and they seem to have quite a few things in common. I liked them both, both released the same day, both British directors, both directors involved in the writing, both directorial debuts, and artwork that looks very similar. Are they good friends or something? 👀

While Rosemary's Baby (1968) is one of my favourite horror movies of all time, I've always had issues with the ending. Had the ending been similar to The First Omen, I'd rate Rosemary's Baby a lot more.

I don't think my praise for this movie can get any higher than that, but don't get it twisted, this isn't me saying this movie is up there with Rosemary's Baby, it's a really good horror movie that sticks the landing well.

Monkey Man

Looking Forward To See What He Does Nrext
So I watched this and 'The First Omen' in the same night, and they seem to have quite a few things in common. I liked them both, both released the same day, both British directors, both directors involved in the writing, both directorial debuts, and artwork that looks very similar. Are they good friends or something? 👀

Always happy to see a young fellow Brit do amazing things like this, I'm so happy for Dev.

The action is outstanding, with a good story behind it, and nothing about this movie screams first time director.

My only criticism is the part of the movie where everything calms down for a while. I just felt it went on a little too long, or it could of done with something more, to make that part more interesting.

Brother, if this is what your giving us on your first outing, I can't wait to see what you got next.

Civil War

Worst Review Ever
So this will be my worst review ever, because it's long and based around 7 nitpicks.

Isolated, all these nitpicks I'd let slide, but for some reason I couldn't let these minor issues go.

1. Lee stops taking pictures to help Jessie, who she doesn't know and is perfectly fine, but when the bomb goes off and there's dead and injured bodies all over place, taking pictures takes priority. If she didn't help Jessie initially, I'd have no issue with this.

2. Joel starts screaming in agony because his friends were just killed, but he's holding a cigarette perfectly in his hand while doing it, so it made that scene not seem genuine.

3. Jessie, in the space of about 2 days, from forgetting to take pictures because she was so nervous, takes pictures out of focus, crying multiple times, throwing up, had 3 people murdered in front of her. Is now running about in a war zone having fun smiling, like nothing happened.

4. Jessie stands in the middle of the line of fire to take some pictures, when she's told multiple times not to.

5. Lee jumps in the way of the bullets to save her, but instead of pushing her and attempting to get out the way herself, she just stands there like superman, waiting for the bullets to bounce off her.

6. Joel shows absolutely no emotion to Lee just being killed, doesn't even check to see if she needs help, just literally walks past her.

7. When the president is shot in the head, his hand moves up, instead of falling down.

Once again I'd like to say isolated, I'd let them slide, but all these things together got to me.

Now that being said, I've still given it a 7, because everything outside of those nitpicks is really good.


Best Marvel Movie
It's amazing how watching the same movie twice, can offer a different connection depending on the part of your life you watch it. In 2017 when I first watched this movie, my dad could get around on his own 2 feet fine. In 2023, he's no longer around, but the movie gives me a nice reminder of when I used to carry him up the stairs to bed.

This is now only the second comic book movie I've given the highest rating to, with a 4.5, which puts it equal with The Dark Knight, and overtakes Infinity War as my favourite marvel movie.

In 2017 I gave this movie a 4.0, but as the years went by, I always had it in the back of my mind, that the movie is better than i think it is. I felt I should like the movie more, but needed to re-watch it to be sure, and it didn't disappoint. This movie might get a perfect score from me one day.

The Matrix

Why The Matrix is my favourite movie of all time.
I'm a fan of action, sci-fi, thriller, darkness, originality, groundedness, romance, style, layered story lines and this blockbuster doesn't just have it all, its a 10 out of 10 in each of those aspects of the movie, which is why its my all time favorite. Now when I say groundedness, you're gonna have to take that statement with a pinch of salt because of the things that happen in the movie, but after I saw the film back in 1999 when I was 16, I asked myself the question, wow, how do I know I'm not in the matrix right now? The movie is told in such a way that really makes you believe it could be true, where a lot of movies normally fall short when having these types of story lines. A lot of films hit you with crazy ideas too early which forces you not to believe that it can actually happen. But this movie is paced in such a way that its almost impossible for you to deny it, and that's one of the main reasons why I love this movie so much. And as for originality, this is arguably the greatest groundbreaking movie of all time.

If you ever have a spare 7 hours, my advice would be to watch all 3 movies back to back and see them as one big movie, truly outstanding.

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