
IMDb member since August 2021
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    3 years


The Ms. Pat Show

Binge Worthy! Season Two Please!!
This show for me was laugh out loud hilarious! It reminded me of Rosanne meets the Jeffersons in the hood but they moved to the very very suburbs. I didn't intend to watch the entire season all at once. I was only going to watch maybe two episodes but after each one I would say just one more. I found myself constantly rewinding so I could hear a joke again or watch a scene again. I even watched some episodes twice. I also recognized people I know in the storylines. I thought the show was very relevant. They all have great chemistry but I'd swear Ms. Pat and Tami were sisters for real! When I first started watching I didn't even know Tami Roman was in it. It was a happy surprise when I saw her. I've been a fan since Real World. I couldn't wait to tell people about this show! I have just one question. When is season two?

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