
IMDb member since August 2021
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In the Land of Saints & Sinners

OK watch but a tad weak
I did find it watchable and Neeson adds to it with his screen presence. Personally, I found the lead female actress very weak and unconvincing. Some lovely scenery! I would say it is a decent film to watch on a rainy night, but it is not one you will remember for very long as apart from Neeson, the acting is very weak and soft. I suppose Neeson has become Ireland's Jason Statham, where you know you will get some decent action and that Neeson saves the world.

This film is a bit too Hollywood in that it doesn't get into any real detail about the reality of the civil war, it skirts around it so it can make the very usual hero v bad guy plot.


Very watchable
It is hard not to get hooked on the series as it comes across very credible - the actors speak Spanish and it does appear to me the filming is in Colombia too?

It is also quite unique that a US made film does not have the US star being all wonderful and the hero - well, to a point. This area is still a problem for US films in my view and the 'tough, whiskey drinking and not afraid of anyone' character is rather tiring.

Anyhow, at least in this film the non US cast get to become the focus, the story.

Like all Netflix productions, it uses 3 seasons of episodes when 1 would be enough but there you go.

My only warning about watching is when you see the actress playing Escobar's wife, it becomes impossible not to lose yourself in her absolute and stunning beauty.

I could not concentrate once she became a regular.

After Life

Gervais does it again
Very watchable series but it is very 'Gervais'.

By that I mean he still bases his scripts on the more ridiculous and uncomfortable aspects of human interaction and while he does this brilliantly, it does get easier and easier to read his scripts and work out where a scene is going, right down to the inevitable conclusion.

For Gervais fans this will not disappoint but you do feel like you are watching unused and mixed scripts from 'The Office' and 'Extras' most of the time.


Good film made better by compelling acting
The plot is a mix between standard sci-fi and 'Apocalypse Now' - right down to the good guy gone mad and who turns on his own.

But the acting of Cillian Murphy and his screen presence takes it to a more compelling level. This actor just knows how to reflect emotions without the need for fancy words or actions.

Well worth watching.


UK budget version of 'Close Encounters'
I found it strangely compelling even if it must have cost less than a few dollars to make. Watching on Amazon meant I could zap through the inevitable 'look back at our lives' parts and keep it on track.

Not bad at all, the unknown actors make the idea of 3 nerds using amateur equipment to talk to Martians even more believable.

Worth a try!

Midnight Express

Brad Davis captures you within seconds and never lets go
I have still never seen a more intense and captivating acting performance than the lead Davis, who sadly is no longer with us.

I remember watching in London and the latecomers being shouted at to sit down - it was not that they were being slow or silly but they could not move their eyes from the screen. See the band of sweat from Davis' left temple as he fears getting caught in customs and you will see why.

Davis takes you on a roller coaster of emotions and acting presence, depth.

You have to see this film.

Count Me In

Huge segments devoted to girl drummers
Watchable but very US based and seemingly wanting to give the impression the most influential drummers were female. I lost interest after an hour or so when it had a full section devoted to female drummers and then went into the final segment having the girls (mainly) playing solos.

Not having Neil Peart or Iain Paice, Copeland, Ward (Sabbath) or Kirke from Bad Company anywhere near the final solo part was ridiculous.

To be fair, was directed at a US audience I guess. Nothing wrong with girl drummers by the way, just far too much emphasis on them here.

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