
IMDb member since January 2007
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Fear the Walking Dead: More Time Than You Know
Episode 5, Season 8

It should have ended
This show should have ended a few seasons ago. I'm watching it at double speed now just to go through it for old time sake and the fact that this is, finally, the last season. It became unwatchable and plain bad, even stupid at times. The original TWD was also running far too long. Do you remember the recent "Beyond" disaster. And they are planning a few spin offs. Please don't! This cow is long dead. Be creative in some other direction and do not waste resources on this one. This was newer in the top two thirds of my favorite shows, but it was fun for some time and this last few seasons of all TWD universe just left a bitter taste.


A "Hallmark" Walker
Five episodes in and it just came to me what's bothering me with this show - it's sort of like Hallmark taste to it - weak stories, weak humor, very weak action. I mean, it's not unwatchable, but it's sort of, well, weak!

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Cancel it!
I understand this supposed to be a two season limited series. Well, I hope it will get cancelled after first season, since it can't be sooner.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Much weaker than first two trilogies
I want to say that this is the first Star Wars movie which I didn't have the need to see twice or more. First six movies I can watch over and over again, with the healthy pause between them, of course, enjoying them each time. This one, and I fear next to follow, I simply didn't have the usual need to watch again. I felt kind of strange. Something was missing.

The story is far to similar to Episode IV but more of a problem was lack of combats, especially in space, lack of different worlds, aliens, all that. Furthermore, in each movie so far there were a strange monsters. Plus "million" other smaller and bigger things.

Episode VII is simply weak. Very weak. There is not nearly enough complexity, depth, details, story, everything. As if it's just made to make money.

I am quite disappointed. Yeah, a Trekkie shouldn't have directed a Star Wars movie.

Le Mans: Racing Is Everything

Without Mr. Le Mans
I like the race 24h of Le Mans very much and I am happy they did this series about it. But, what is really strange is how they made it about the legendary endurance race and did not include the nine time winner (a record by far) over seventeen years of Le Mans career, gentleman with the nickname "Mr. Le Mans" - Danish driver Tom Kristensen. Without him and what he has to say on the matter - it is just not interesting as is should be, especially for the audience which is following the race from year to year. Imagine what he might have contributed. Sorry - not good enough.

Alien: Covenant

Keep them coming, Ridley!
This movie is absolutely fine and it fits nicely in the story.

People are often ridiculous and expecting God-knows-what. Sir Scott announced making of more than few of these and I'm sure I will enjoy all of them. I will certainly watch them even if all reviews on the net would be negative. I couldn't care less for such reviews.

In the light of making several movies, the story is understandable. My only regret is that the Engineers didn't have more minutes.

Fans should have no problems with this movie, for the rest - they should learn to appreciate it. Based on the end of Prometheus, I thought the next destination would be the planet of Engineers and in this sequel it is unclear. Anyway, looking forward to the next one.

Please, Mr. Scott, just keep making them!


I'm worried
This is an interesting movie. Trailer is deceiving, though. I expected something else. After watching this movie, the feeling I had was similar to the one I had after watching Only God Forgives (starring Ryan Gosling). Although this is much better film. I liked the concept of how the aliens were presented and there were many interesting and intelligent details but not them per se, i.e. the looks of aliens. Even better comparison - with movie The Tree of Life (starring Brad Pitt), but there the trailer was not so misleading. Anyway, I'm writing this to express my worry. Coming close to ten lines minimum. So, here it comes. I have to say that, after seeing this movie, I am (a bit) worried about the Blade Runner 2049. For sure movie fans will know why.

Only God Forgives

You will be disappointed
I had to write a review after watching this one, as I was quite disappointed. In action scenes it is somewhat like "Drive", especially Gosling's face - it's copy/paste. But, the movie is full of psychedelic, semi-artistic crap. Although it's just under one and half hours long, almost half of the movie are such scenes, which are boring at best. And the ending - what was that? Anyway, after seeing trailer, I was expecting and looking forward to something like "Drive". If you are like me, you will watch this movie regardless of the comments here, because you want to decide for yourself, but prepare to be disappointed. That's all I'm saying.

The X Files: I Want to Believe

No connection to X-Files
This is an excellent movie. A thriller. BUT, it has nothing to do with the X-Files as we know it. There is also no connection to the first movie, which I think is great and right up the alley of the X-Files fans. After I saw this one I couldn't believe what they choose as a topic of the movie. It's something seen many times before, in movies and series, with no connection to, what I believe would be the expectations of the X-Files fans. I find that fact very disappointing and therefore gave it a 3/10. It's really strange how they destroyed the franchise. In addition, I think that because of it, there will be no more X-Files movies. Pity.

Edge of Darkness

An excellent movie
For any movie fan, this is a must see. It is not for younger audience. Gibson gave a memorable role and Winstone is keeping up with him. Story is carefully built up, revealing gradually the whole picture. Gibson is a cop, so it helps the process. It is scary what some companies and people would do merely for their own interest. There is a fine amount of action, with some nice "sudden" scenes. It is bloody, but it's all in function of the story. There is a revenge at the end - all of the bad guys got what they deserved. It leaves the good feeling, sort of a morbid happy end. It is a pity that in real life someone cannot do something similar, to expose the companies that think they are "above the law". This movie is a keeper in my collection.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Baruchel ruined it
This Disney movie is fun and the effects are first grade.

Nicolas Cage is good as expected. Same goes to Alfred Molina and it's always nice to see Monica Bellucci.

BUT, there is one BIG problem and that is Jay Baruchel. Why, o why, they had to put him into this movie? He ruined it completely with his annoying appearance, voice and, above all, irritating not-at-all-talented acting. They should have find different actor for this role. I don't have someone in mind but this one is very wrong. Without him it would be a much better movie.

But, it's still entertaining, in spite of occasional not funny jokes which are forced into scenario. The story is bearable and neat effects pulls it out of average, slightly.

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