
IMDb member since September 2021
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Father & Son

Heartwarming drama with a bit touch of comedy
I love this movie. The plot line is simple yet heartwarming and enjoy to watch, the message is clear to deliver. All the cast is superb and do their best, aside of perhaps low cost movie. There is still some plot hole that makes me wondering the logic but overall this movie is recommended to watch.

This kind of movie usually found in western plot line, when family drama meets some comedy touch. It is something fresh to watch and like hidden gem. I watch this movie in flight entertainment and rush continue it on klik film application. I think the son and the father have played their character well.

Mantan Manten

Doesn't make any sense
The acting of the main character is great and natural. But I suggest for anyone who will watch this movie to not think with logic. Everything that happened in this movie is not logic at all as a human being.

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