
IMDb member since January 2007
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    17 years



Cliff Notes Version of the Book
There is no way this film can be confused with other thrillers. It's the movie version of the book Thr3e by Ted Dekker. The book is excellent and this film is an attempt to tell the complex story of the book simply. Being a movie, there is less time for the detail which made the book especially clever, but the film does tell the story reasonably well. If you have read the book you will want to see this movie. I really enjoyed seeing the story I'd read play out on screen. In fact the look of the cast was so close to the way I'd imagined that it took me back to my experience reading. If you haven't read the book or you aren't a big reader you may want to get the book on tape or see the movie twice. It's hard to get all the details in one viewing. I took my husband who hasn't read the book and he was a bit confused at first. The book is certainly a must read if you like thrillers and for me this film was a must see.

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