
IMDb member since September 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 9 months


Jurassic World Dominion

Stupid: 400%

Acting: Ish

Soundtrak: hardly

CGI: Subpar

Dialog/ Script: random words

Action: Lots & lots & lots Everyone is a CIA superspy/expert in everything/ Science/ unarmed combat/ computers.

Screaming: lots of it per usual.

Dwarma: 1000% through the whole dumbassed mess!

I would rather get sunstroke than watch this pile of dino dung ever again! & I thought 2012 was bad!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: The Serene Squall
Episode 7, Season 1

Tell the writers where the Impulse engines are!
So far I'm enjoying the series far more than the emotional cluster frack of STD & the complete let down of STP. Like the crew, but the writers or the visual FX guys need to know what part of the ship does what, the big tubes either side of the dish are for the WARP DRIVE! The glowy red things at the rear of the dish are the IMPULSE ENGINES. Hit what the order says please or just shoot the mess hall who cares it's pretty right!

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Princess Leia Organa: General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. & DON'T FORGET YOU HELPED ME ESCAPE FROM STUPID IN YOUR OWN SERIES ABOUT YOU, BUT WAS ALL ABOUT RESCUING ME OVER & OVER WHILE BEING A PATHETIC OLD WHITE MAN, LIKE LUKE IN THE FUTURE!

Last Seen Alive

Lady Sif is in it
Gerard Butler stars as Gerard Butler in a Gerard Butler movie with Gerard Butler pretending to be Gerard Butler, but this time with emotions for 3 min, & Lady sif plays sif in jeans & Hank Griffin plays Hank Griffin from Grimm!

Getting the feeling Mr Butler has gone the way of the Neeson lol.


Jane McClane
Tis an ok ott action flick, silly in parts but hey are they not all a bit daft? Good lead, Good bad guy. Very 007 timing at the climax. Still a watchable flick. Oh and random Thor is in it go figure lol.

Blade Runner: Black Lotus

If it feels like BR then it is BR
The look, feel & total enviroment felt like it was directly from the 82 movie, the ads from Atari etc just felt right. We have moved on in the real world with the visual teck but many movies & Tv Series forget this & try to up the game, In so doing loose the asthetics that made the great, good in the first place, This imo, tho had many Anime type WTF moments kept the Org theme alive. I loved almost every min of the series apart from the filler ep (In a toon WTH,WHY) else great stuff.

Alex Rider

James Bond Junior
Went into So1 with no clue about this at all, once it started I was very dubious given the teeny angle as so many 'Murican' teen stuff is just soppy love Dwama. I was very surprised by not only the solid acting by all involved, but the restrained teeny guff that often gets incorperated into this type of format. It was junior JB, but believable as in the lead has the limitations of a teen & does not develop (Erm super spy powers). Gritty(ish) & well worth a watch Imo. If you like this type of genre.

Shooting Heroin

Missing the point!
Yes, the acting is very meh.

Yes, there is a bit of religious meh involved.

But the 'Message' about legalized Opiod abuse is 'Very there' It is a powerful film about a small town facing an epidemic of legal drug abuse, & how the deal with it.

In my opinion the Big farma may ( tinfoil hat time ) negatively rate this low budget, throw away rental True(ish) story.

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