
IMDb member since January 2007
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The Marvels

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a film
Amazing director, jokes were fast paced and didn't have those cheeky long pauses after, it just moved on. Love that they didn't drag the movie on to be 2 hours, it was just enough and didn't waste any time.

This was a whole new fun side of Fury which felt back like Fury we haven't seen on the screen. New life was brought to the character. (Especially after secret wars which was disappointing). Fury was hilarious and dropped a bunch of great one-liners. I cannot emphasize enough how excellent the editing was with the comedic timing.

I've read a bunch of Ms. Marvel comics and it's been beautiful watching these three ladies evolve into their characters on screen. Her family was actually relevant to the story and and just like the comics, her mom and brother were hilarious. This was amazing and I'm planning to back to see it again in theater's.

Lez Bomb

Director/Writer/Lead Actor is the same person and they are very inexperienced. Watch Happiest Season for it done right
Terrible script and direction, Seasoned actors couldn't save this dumpster fire.

To learn while watching the film that the lead character was also the Writer/Director/Main Actor was jarring. To watch her put herself as the object of competitive rivalries for her affection was not well done. Serious Ego trip. The scenes with the least amount of her were the best ones. Her ego and need to be the "charming lead" was palpable and never more obvious of someone acting.

The "antics" going on in the background were exhausting and added nothing to the story but painfully drag out the runtime to an excruciating length. Her family's "chaos" was just stressful and terribly executed. The seasoned actors did great with what they had, but the Lead had NO IDEA what to do in most scenes. Every scene needed her to bring SOMETHING to the table but, just like her character, she had nothing to offer anyone. A poster cut out could have been a better scene partner.

Her "relationship" with her male roommate that she was "playfully" flirting and constantly touching and crawling on top off all the time was cringeworthy and all too awkward. She was more physically instigating touch with him than she was with her "girlfriend". Makes sense for the obvious spoiler of them having slept together in the past, but no reason why they should move in together unless that was something they both secretly wanted. Seemed more like she was writing their relationship more thoroughly than she had written her and her "girlfriends" to be.

Her awkward brother/sister scenes and dynamic was well acted from Davram Stiefler's part, she couldn't keep up with him, and she didn't know how to act around him or most actors. He pushed some boundaries with the "girlfriend" that were a bit awkward at parts, but seemed like more genuine interactions than Jenna Laurenzo had with Caitlin Mehner.

There is so much overall wrong with the movie and the Actor/writer/director but it was already ripped apart with my partner and I as we watched it. I'd add more but this movie already wasted too much of my time.

Happiest Season is a way better movie. Those characters were much more thought out and directing was top notch. Watch Happiest Season, way better use of your time

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