
IMDb member since October 2001
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    IMDb Member
    22 years



Great Movie
I didn't expect much when I hired this movie but it really blew me away.

I have never really seen Salma Hayek as an A-Grade actress but once you see this you will understand why she got an Oscar nomination. She was brilliant and really made the movie as good as it is.

The script kept you intrigued and inspired from the start. The life of Frida Kahlo is great material to work with of course.

My one criticism is that I would have liked more information during the movie; like a timeline (eg the old "three years later" thing) as I never quite knew when it was all happening.

Anyway it has inspired me to go and research more on the life of Frida, so it has obviously moved me. I would recommend you see it.

Spy Kids

Dont waste your time
Of all the kids movies I have seen over the years this was probably the worst. I took four kids aged from 7 to 11 and none of them liked it.

The script seemed to be based on a Willy Wonka style story but it just didn't have anything to it.

If you are considering seeing this movie dont waste your time, it is bad.

They are making a sequel, so it may be worth watching to see if they can even make a worse movie, but I don't think it is possible.

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