IMDb member since October 2001
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    22 years


La Cocina

Between visual sophistication and emotional distance
Director Alonso Ruizpalacios's film "La Cocina" impresses with its sophisticated staging, but this does not compensate for the weaknesses of the narrative. The interesting camera work with blurred images at the beginning of the film gives the work a dynamic opening, which then provides relief when the visual blurring dissipates again.

Rooney Mara and Raúl Briones Carmona are convincing in their roles, but even their impressive performances cannot alleviate the challenges that the main character demands of the viewer.

Unfortunately, the film fails to create an emotional bond with the main character. The protagonist seems overexcited, and his uncontrolled rage and the resulting violence against others are not only disturbing but also increasingly annoying. He symbolises a generation of young, disoriented men who have difficultiy finding their way and building stable relationships.

La Cocina's greatest weakness is its lack of constructive solutions. The film presents the problem, but does not offer a clear perspective or possible ways to overcome it. This leaves the viewer with a feeling of dissatisfaction and ultimately makes the film unsatisfying.

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