
IMDb member since January 2007
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    17 years



Pretty Good
I don't usually give this great of scores to any film. But, this movie actually is pretty enjoyable movie. It makes you think about a lot of the struggles human beings have towards their hatred and racism about others. A lot of freaking twists will definitely have your attention, and the acting is pretty believable (Except for Ludicrous). Ludicrous was a horrible actor in this film, and the reason why I gave the film a 9. It was strange that all he talked about was racism, which I don't believe that anyone is that freaking racist....seriously. Matt D. was, once again, the star of this film. I was sitting on my couch actually thinking he was a prick for the role he played. Then when you think that you can't hate him anymore....sorry I'm not going to spoil it for you. The locksmith guy was an interesting scenario as well. The dude moves away from the ghetto, only to experience something that will possibly put a tear in your eye. It's one of those movies that you definitely have to give a try, and just remember that nothing is as it seems.

Æon Flux

Aeon (Sux)
Well, I have to say that I was completely generous to give this retardo movie a 2, but Charlize Theron is usually a wonderful actor and she got ultra fat in "Monster" to prove that point. I'm serious folks, the best part was (if you own a Hi def TV) the beautiful colors that could easily take your mind off of the non-existent storyline that this film has. At least the cartoon made you actually interested in the plot because it seems as though they just made the movie with the characters and said "F" the original story. Sometimes it was confusing on which direction they were taking. One minute you were like, "finally they're going to explain this," then they just start fighting. Typical crappy fight scenes are quite hilarious as you watch a particular "all hands" fighter which is re-dick-ulous. Sorry I can't elaborate because I don't want to spoil it for you. You might actually enjoy it, but different strokes for different folks.


You know what's funny? I'll tell you...this movie. Once again drum roll please....Or, should I say DRUMLINE please. Drumline type movie that bombed like all of the rest. Nothing was good about this movie except the end credits where some persons name was my name and it made me as giddy as a school girl. I thought I was renting a movie about a poltergeist, but that didn't happen. But I was wishing that I was in the grave at the end of it. It's kind of strange that director's would take on something of this crappy caliber and try to make something of themselves. Writing was dumb, actors know, and the scenes just made me want to take a bath and scrub myself from all of the bull that I've encountered.

Ghosts of Mars

Words can never describe the horror from this film, acting wise
Yeah, "Desolation" Ice Cube "Williams" was by far the most God awful character name EVER in a movie, book, screen play, or 6 year old made up fictional character. Natasha was pretty, but that really doesn't rescue a movie that sinks lower than the water from an Anaconda movie that Ice Cube has also starred in. The "evil" characters in this film are about as hilarious as the "Noid" from the old Dominos pizza commercials. I actually took a girl on a date to see this timeless horror movie. It's sad when you start laughing at a movie, that wasn't intended to be laughed at. I would advise readers to buy this just to dog on it (even without the effects of alcohol), but I don't want people to give this film any more gross because Carpenter might actually make a second one and that would be about as enjoyable as me shaving myself with a brillo pad...they're both painful.

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