
IMDb member since January 2007
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    IMDb Member
    17 years



Worst CG ever in a movie.......and in 2004?
This movie was released the same year as Spider-man 2, Shrek 2, Shark Tale, The Incredibles, and The Day After Tomorrow, you would expect some descent graphics. 2004 was a year of amazing CG achievements. This movie just kills that reputation. It looks like they hired a relative of the producers who knew how to work a PC. Everything is computer animated. Everything looks like crap. They try to blur the images by putting tons of light around it, but it doesn't hide the disgrace. I am a pacific islander, I grew up with fish right in my backyard. The fish in this movie don't look like fish and especially don't move like them.

This is not worth your time, rent it and let your grandparents watch it, it should please them.

Makai tenshô

good graphics for what seems to be a low budget movie
if you're the person who likes watching the Japanese films with lots of fighting and absolutely no plot, this could be for you. There is plot, a very simple one. But ultimately its just one of those Japanese films about war.

So watch this movie if you don't care about plots, but rather for entertainment. I watched this movie because I am not a critic. I like to be entertained.

If you like boring movies with intelligent plots, why are even reading this.

Overall, an entertaining movie with good CG, simple plot, nice samurai fighting, and great nudity.


This is one of those movies that just sets you a bad way
you know those movies where the characters are just so stupid, you wanna punch the TV; this is one of them. In the beginning, the kids do the stupidest, most predictable things that not surprisingly leads to their predicament (which is stuck in a jeep surrounded by lions). The teenage daughter is the worst character and actor in the movie. Her absolute ignorance made me wanna go into the TV and slap some sense into her. There have been a lot of movies that angered me but this ranks number one. The characters run into some nice native poachers, who kindly help them get water, and for some unknown reason, they leave and the family decides to stay in the car. It was as if the writer didn't know how to keep the family alive without compromising their setting. An entire ten minutes of the movie is about the girl getting water, and the poachers leave, that's it. I can't explain the ten minutes because its inexplainable. There are many mistakes throughout the movie. This movie was really, really badly written. The writer (s) have no idea about transition. Stupid scenes are cut into the film to keep the family in danger. Poachers get eaten after killing a big lion, a famous tracker loses track for no reason, a famous hunter dies easily. It is just horrible transition. Its like a slide-show with irrelevant pictures in the middle. And of course, it ends with the dad saying "let's go home", and the growl of a lion cutting to the credits. So rent the movie, but make sure you don't have a short temper.

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