Reviews (40)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -This movie is a Saturday Morning Cartoon brought to life.

    -This is a 70's Showa Era Film with modern effects.

    -The Monsters are 100% the leads.

    -The Monster Brawls are absolutely nuts!

    -Godzilla vs. Kong Round 2 was fun.

    -The Entire 3rd Act is exactly what 5 year old would've loved.

    CONS: -We are so far removed from the tone of 2014.

    -The pacing is all over the place.

    -The script was written with cocaine and mushrooms.

    -Every character is underdeveloped as is the plot.

    -There's no scale to any of the monster brawls.

    Like every iteration of Godzilla, it starts serious then slowly becomes a kid's franchise. Well, the Monsterverse is now officially a kid's franchise for better or worse. I say knowing full well that if I watched this as a kid it would've been the greatest movie ever. However, watching it as a 35 year old man, I can't ignore the flaws. This movie feels like a fever dream. There are some big crazy ideas here, but the movie doesn't hover over any of it. They throw so much at you so quickly that you have no time to absorb anything before the movie is moving on. The same goes for the characters, who exist to deliver exposition and that's it (a low-key waste of Rebecca Hall's talent). The Monsters are the opposite, they are the leads of the movie. This movie feels like Kong 3: The Hollow Earth War. There are long stretches where there's no dialogue and the story is being told through the expressions of the Monsters, and truthfully, it works. The Monster fights are meant to be seen on the big screen. Especially a battle that takes place in zero gravity. Seeing Godzilla and Kong properly team up is something my inner child needed to see. My theater cheered with joy as they charged into battle together. This is the kind of movie that the young fans will absolutely love and there's nothing wrong with that. I grew up on the Showa Era movies and that's exactly what this is. This is the kind of monster movie that creates the next generation of fans. With that in mind, this movie does its job. 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -The Cinematography -Kurt Russell is always a win.

    -The New Titans look interesting -The Past Storyline always kept me engaged -Godzilla vs. The Ion Dragon -The Special Effects looked great

    CONS: -There's a severe lack of Kaiju in this Kaiju Series!!!

    -The Present Day Trio of characters -The overly used "we have to find X so that we can get to Z" episode plots -The constant unnecessary melodrama of the Present Day

    I've always wanted a Godzilla TV Series and now it's here and it is ... underwhelming. This is a very flawed show, which is unfortunate because there's elements here that work really well. Everything set in the past storyline is great, the whole show should've been set in the past. The characters are interesting as is their journey to both discover the Titans and build Monarch. Those characters are so well written that the 'reunion' that happens in the final episode was very heartfelt. On the contrary, everything in the present day storyline (minus Kurt Russell) is bland and boring. The main trio of present day characters feel like CW actors with CW level angst storylines. May is the worst!!! The show never gives you a reason to care about them. The present day story should've been Kurt Russell's character trying to complete his mission while being juxtaposed against his journey in the past because the show is always more interesting when he's on screen. As for Godzilla, and the other Titans, they're great when they're on screen but the show is never really about them. They treated as window dressing and that's the biggest disappointment about this show. The show is very subpar. The last two episodes were great, but they reveal how meandering the previous eight episodes were. If the show focused on its stronger elements, it would've been great but as it is it's a letdown. 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -Godzilla is TERRIFYING!!!

    -Human characters you actually care about.

    -The boat chase sequence!!!

    -The soundtrack is God-Tier.

    -Godzilla's Atomic Breath!!!

    -Strong Anti-War message.

    -Godzilla's Ginza Attack sequence!!!

    -All the actors give strong performances.

    -The Entire 3rd Act!!!

    CONS: -It had to end.

    This is how Godzilla is done!!! This is the closest Toho has come to matching the original film. Director Takashi Yamazaki just made a new class of Godzilla film. Themes of forgiveness, survivors' guilt, PTSD, family and learning that life is a gift are all touched on here. The story of Shikishima and Noriko is full of heart, and you genuinely care about the family unit they form, which ultimately guts your heart when the King of the Monsters arrives. I teared up more than once. Godzilla is a true villain here. He's a devastating force that's here to claim Japan as his own and this film shows his power like never before. Every foot fall is felt, his tail swipe crushes buildings, his atomic breath levels everything in its path. I've never been more terrified of Godzilla than I was here. The soundtrack by Naoki Sato is perfect and the use of the Ifukube theme was amazing. The special effects are great, and the cinematography is glorious. If you've ever been a Godzilla fan or are curious why people like these movies, watch this film!!! This is a perfect example of what a Godzilla film should be!!! 10/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -Gamera and his foes get AMAZING redesigns!!!

    -The Kaiju fights are BRUTAL!!!

    -A good 'coming of age' story.

    -The characters are likable even though they're all stereotypes.

    -The 5th episode reveals a far more interesting plot beneath the surface.

    CONS: -The 3D Computer Animation is GARBAGE!!!! It's even more infuriating because it's against these gorgeous 2D landscapes. All of the characters and their movements feel like a bad videogame cut scene from the early 2000's!!!

    -The Formula of Gamera showing only at the end of every episode becomes stale by the fourth episode.

    Gamera is my 2nd favorite kaiju, and I've dearly missed him. I was apprehensive about this project as both anime attempts for Godzilla were massively disappointing. However, I actually quite enjoyed this! There's an emotional honesty to the kid's portrayal. They fight, they swear, they care about each other and all they truly want to do is enjoy their last summer together. The plot is pretty basic for those that know Gamera, but in episode 5 they really expand on this world's mythology and I'm very curious how a season 2 would continue to build on that. Most of the adult characters are generic stereotypes, until episode 5 when one character's true intentions are revealed. Gamera, Gyaos, Zigar, Jiger and Viras all get beautiful redesigns, and their battles are really fun to watch. I already mentioned but I have to say this: I would have enjoyed this 1000x more if the character animation was traditional 2D instead of this cheap 3D computer animation nonsense. It pulls you out of the show because it just looks so terrible. Honestly, I would've rated this much higher, but the animation is key in a project like this and Netflix really cheaped out in this aspect. I'm happy to see Gamera again but if they make season 2, they really need to fix this animation going forward. 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One" SPOILER Review:

    PROS: -The Action and Stunt Work is Top Notch!!!

    -Cruise always commits.

    -Hayley Atwell is the breakout star.

    -The "Villain" is unlike anything the series has done before.

    -The airport sequence is an exercise in building tension.

    -The idea of "The Choice".

    -The Rome car chase is pure fun!

    -The 3rd Act is like a movie within a movie and kept me on the edge of my seat!!!

    -I need Part Two right now.

    CONS: -It's about 20 minutes too long.

    No other franchise does action and espionage like Mission Impossible does. Seven movies in and these movies continue to surprise. This series is the best at using action sequences to build the characters, show their relationships and motivations. The airport sequence, the car chase in Rome and the train sequence are all built on the choices the characters make in them and kept the audience on edge of their seat throughout. Tom Cruise commits to the stunts as always and it's glorious to behold. Hayley Atwell really surprised me as a thief who gets caught up in the adventure. She was a true wild card here. Having an A. I. be the villain is both a unique and current day choice. It's a terrifying force and its presence is felt throughout, leading to one of my favorite moments in the film. The 3rd Act on the train is really special, operating on multiple levels of deception, betrayals, hand to hand fights, culminating in a spectacular crash. I had a blast with this film. Even as a "Part One", it felt like a whole movie. I love this series and the filmmaker's commitment to practical stunts and their ability to keep the audience guessing. This is what espionage movies should strive to be. I had a great time at the theater. 8/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -The constant bittersweet tone. There was an emotional honesty to the story.

    -The Hallway Fight; Guardians Style!!!

    -Rocket's backstory. It was harsh and it needed to be.

    -I would watch a whole movie about Cosmo. Good Dog!

    -Flying Groot!!!

    -The handling of Peter and Gamora.

    -Everyone's story comes to a close.

    -"The name's Rocket. Rocket Racoon."

    CONS: -Adam Warlock. He's very tacked on.

    -The first act is all over the place.

    Well, that was something. This was the film equivalent of listening to a sad song on repeat because it hasn't hurt you enough yet. This story goes to some dark places and it kind of had to, for Rocket in particular, it explains that steel trap around his heart and he comes out better for it. This film also has heart, which is something the MCU has been desperately missing lately. This is the difference between a corporate product, and something made with love. James Gunn went above and beyond to close out everyone's story and the entire cast gave it their all. In a weird way, this feels like Marvel's last hurrah. Endgame was the perfect stopping point and this film, along with No Way Home, are fantastic epilogues. This is an honest end for these characters and, the more I think about it, the more I appreciate what this film accomplished. A wonderfully dark farewell. 8/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -The opening sequence was great (despite deep-fake Indy)

    -Harrison Ford gives a great performance.

    -Mads Mikkelsen is always great.

    CONS: -Indy gets the Jake Skywalker treatment. His happy ending from the previous film is completely taken from him.

    -Phoebe Waller-Bridge is completely unlikeable.

    -Boring for an adventure movie. Feels very paint by the numbers.

    -Teddy can just fly a plane by jumping in the cockpit ... okay.

    -Indy sits out most of the 3rd act, making it "Helena and the Dial of Destiny".

    -The 3rd act reveal is just stupid.

    -Indy's choice in the 3rd act goes completely against his character.

    Well, Lucasfilm strikes again. This is The Last Jedi of Indiana Jones. This is a soulless corporate made product. It's an imitation of an imitation. You can tell the script is missing George and Steven's influence. The action feels very modern day and not practical at all like the previous Indiana Jones films. I'm not a fan of Crystal Skull but at least it gave Indy a happy ending and a family. Here, both of those are stripped from him, giving us yet another broken and disenfranchised hero who's here to get shown up by his new female counterpart at every turn (sound familiar). Phoebe Waller-Bridge sinks this film. She's constantly unlikeable, talks down to Indy and even takes center stage in the 3rd act, while Indy sits on the sidelines with a gunshot wound. Speaking of which, the 3rd act of this film is a mess. The reveal of the true purpose of the Dial is ridiculous and feels too 'out-there' even for an Indy movie. Indy makes a choice near the end that is the equivalent of Luke throwing the Lightsaber over his shoulder. Indiana Jones DOES NOT GIVE UP!!! Even when all the odds are against him, he never gives up! Harrison Ford gave a great performance, despite the writing of his character, as does Mads Mikkelsen but they alone cannot save this movie. Indiana Jones ended for me in 1989, when Indy rode off into the sunset. I'll never watch this again. 3/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -Piccolo FINALLY got the spotlight AND a transformation!

    -Gamma 1 & 2 were fun antagonists.

    -Loved how the history of the franchise is both used and explained.

    -Gohan going Beast Mode.

    -The fights were wonderfully choreographed.

    -The comedy was great and reminded me of the original series.

    -Pan has potential to be a great character going forward.

    CONS: -Not the biggest fan of the CGI animation.

    -Cell Max could've been more interesting.

    Since the anime ended in 2018, I've been wanting the series to come back. I enjoyed the Broly movie but this one really hit the spot! Piccolo is my 2nd favorite character of the franchise and it was great to see him get the spotlight for a change AND he got a new transformation! Orange Piccolo has great potential. His interactions with Pan are really heartwarming and show a different side to him than his interactions with Gohan. The villains had great ties to both the OG series and DBZ. Both Gamma 1 & 2 were fantastic as antagonists who learn that they were lied to about their enemies and ultimately join forces with our heroes. RIP Gamma 2. The fights were wonderfully realized and while I'm not a fan of the CGI animation, the choreography couldn't have been better. The Cell Max reveal was cool, but he amounted to nothing more than a mindless monster. This could've been the start of a bigger arc, but it works for the film. Overall, this is definitely in the upper echelon of Dragon Ball movies. This shows that there's still so much life left in this franchise. I can't wait for the anime to return one day but this was a great reminder of how fun Dragon Ball can be. 8/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "The Super Mario Bros Movie" SPOILER Review:

    PROS: -The animation is GORGEOUS. Everything is vibrant and colorful.

    -The friendly rivalry between Donkey Kong and Mario.

    -The musical cues and sound effects from the games.

    -The cast absolutely nails their characters, especially Jack Black as Bowser!

    -The Rainbow Road sequence was surprisingly intense.

    -The entire 3rd act was a romp!

    -The Mushroom Kingdom feels like it's an extension of games.

    -All the little easter eggs, both from the games and their history.

    CONS: -Feels a little short, could've used another 10 minutes.

    -Bowser's motivation is a bit thin, albeit hilarious.

    I never thought I'd see the day when Nintendo would allow another Mario movie but I'm so happy I did. This feels like a big love letter to the fans who've played these games since the 80's. I had a smile on my face the entire movie. This entire experience feels like it was plucked from the games and put on the screen. Every shot is filled to the brim with characters and items from the games and deep cut references. The cast was perfect. Chris Pratt sold me with his take on Mario and Jack Black crushed it as Bowser! I enjoyed the rivalry built between DK and Mario and the hints that Peach and Mario might be a little smitten with one another. As a long time Mario Kart player, the sequence was the highlight of the film for me. The whole 3rd act felt like it had its own 3 act structure and was a visual feast. I had a blast with this film. It's unabashedly a kids film, as it should be. What gripes I did have in regards to the runtime and Bowers motivation, I can forgive because I know I'm not the target audience for this. For the kids it is targeted for, they will absolutely love it. The kids in my screening were laughing and cheering throughout and both them and their parents were clapping all through the credits. If you're looking for a fun and innocent time at the theater, I highly recommend this movie. 8/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "John Wick: Chapter 4" SPOILER Review:


    -This is PEAK Keanu. He was born for this role!

    -The Osaka Sequence is God-Tier!

    -Donnie Yen is the definition of cool!

    -The Birdseye view sequence covering an entire floor of a building during a shoot out!

    -The Flight of Stairs Sequence!

    -The Cinematography is amazing! All the colors pop!

    -The Pacing and Editing. Doesn't feel it's run time at all!

    -The Duel Sequence!

    -The Ending. Unexpected and Perfect!


    -It had to end.

    This is the Apex Mountain of Modern Day Action Movies. These films have been an unexpected surprise and the people behind it have gone above and beyond, perfecting their craft along the way, to entertain the audience! In a world dominated by CGI Blockbusters, the John Wick films have been a breath of fresh air, relying on beautifully crafted stunt choreography, fantastic direction, and actors that came to play and who knew exactly what kind of films they were making. Chapter 4 took everything from the first 3 films and amplified it. I don't wanna spoiler anything here, as this deserves to be experienced first hand. Keanu Reeves was born to play this character and this is his best outing as the character yet! I can't say enough positive things about this film. Pure Action Escapism. 9/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "Scream 6" SPOILER Review:

    Pros: -The opening was very surprising, with quite a few reveals!

    -Ghostface was BRUTAL. Some of the best kills in the franchise!

    -Melissa Barrera really stepped up her game in this one.

    -The entire apartment sequence was INTENSE!

    -Nice to see Hayden Panettiere again!

    -Courteney Cox finally got her own Ghostface sequence.

    -The 'countdown' with the masks was creative.

    Cons: -The Killers identities and motive left A LOT to be desired.

    -Most of the 3rd act felt uninspired.

    -No important deaths. Felt like they were scared to off any of the main characters.

    -The character of Mindy. Not a fan!

    I was really enjoying this film, up until the 3rd act and the Killers reveal. To be fair, one of the killers was spoiled for me before seeing the film (damn internet), but still it just felt like the 3rd act was going through the motions. Which was disappointing because the first two acts of the film are quite strong. The opening scene with Ghostface hunting down another Ghostface was quite shocking and unexpected. The chase sequences were top-tier and the apartment/ladder sequence was a franchise best! For a moment there, I thought they were going to kill off a series main character, so the intensity was there but there was no follow through! At least one of the 'Core 4' should've died (please let it be Mindy, she's so unlikable). One of the characters gets stabbed 20x and by the end he's fine. The film ends up being all bark and no bite! Melissa Barrera gave a much better performance here than in the last film. I like the inclusion of Kirby, adding more cohesion between the films. But there was something missing overall here. It may or may not have been Sidney, I'm still unsure of how I feel about her not being in one of these yet. Overall, I did enjoy the movie and it had some great suspense leading up to the finale.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -All the actors are doing their best.

    -Kang has potential to be a great Avengers Villain.

    CONS: -The story is all over the place and is bogged down by constant exposition.

    -There's so much CGI that my eyes glazed over.

    -The comedy is bland, I think I laughed once.

    -I don't think a single character had a defined arc.

    -The reshoots stick out like a sore thumb.

    Yeah, I really didn't care for this. Which is hilarious because I was one of the few people who enjoyed the last one. This didn't feel like the first two. This felt like 'generic marvel product number 81157". The comedy is missing as is the charm. This just felt like actors espousing ridiculous exposition in front of a green screen. This didn't need to be an Ant-Man story. Marvel just wanted a movie to introduce their next big villain and, honestly, the whole thing feels hollow for it. Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas both felt sidelined, and Paul Rudd is just going through the motions. The reshoots are very noticeable. Even my wife felt that the ending was tacked on (because they just shot it a month ago). I think if they had stuck with the original tone and kept the original ending, this might have made for a better experience. As it is, it's a disappointment.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    -The strong family values presented. Hollywood has long forgotten how to write a real family.

    -The visuals, particularly the water environments and bioluminescence are stunning.

    -The characters are all well defined and all of the children were portrayed honestly.

    -Kiri is clearly being set up to be the Jesus of Pandora.

    -The creature designs are a sight to behold.

    -The entire 3rd act was thrilling, despite it being a Titanic throwback.


    -The 3-D was distracting from the visuals! I'll never subject my eyes to 3-D again!

    -The runtime. Definitely could've used another edit.

    I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the first Avatar and the trailers for this didn't do much for me. I went into this not expecting much, so I'm quite surprised by how much I enjoyed this. The plot is nothing to write home about, but the execution is. Hollywood has long forgotten how to write strong family dynamics, so that being a strong focus was a real selling point. Every character is made unique despite them all looking blue, Kiri being the standout. The creature designs are amazing and the bonds between the whales and the Navi was a big highlight. The visuals, especially the bioluminescence sequences are beautifully imagined. The villain being out a simple revenge story worked well here. Hollywood could benefit from injecting simplicity back into their scripts! Cameron still knows how to do action unlike anyone else, even if the end was a throwback to Titanic. Overall, I was surprised by this film, and I look forward to seeing it again without the 3-D.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "Halloween Ends" SPOILER Review:

    PROS: -Jamie Lee Curtis. Love seeing a Laurie who has moved on and embracing life.

    -Michael living in the sewer is very "IT" esque.

    -The idea of a "new" Michael Myers is interesting.

    CONS: -There's almost no Michael Myers in this HALLOWEEN MOVIE!!!

    -Where is the tension and scares?

    -The entire 3rd act is predictable.

    -Let's build up this entirely new character in Corey and do absolutely nothing with him.

    This film took a BIG swing and for me it ultimately missed. The idea of a new evil rising while another is reaching its end sounds FANTASTIC on paper, but the execution here leaves a lot to be desired. I've always been one of those fans that wanted to explore the dark 'force' behind Michael Myers (blasphemy I know) but they way it was explored here just felt very bland. There was nothing deeper to explore here other than apparently making eye contact with Michael Myers turns you evil. I think the idea behind the Corey Cunningham character COULD have been great but why are we introducing this idea when we're at the finish line?! This movie is supposed to be about the final showdown between Michael and Laurie and yet we spend the majority of the run time with Corey. There is no build up to their confrontation it just kind of happens. I feel like the last 20 minutes of this movie should've been added to the end of Halloween Kills and it would've worked better. I'm disappointed with how this turned out. The original Halloween is my favorite horror film and I was looking forward to this. Not sure why they chose to focus on an entirely new character instead of the franchises legacy characters. 5/10.
  • PROS: This is now the Gold Standard for Book Adaptations!

    Chris Pratt OWNS this character! I've never seen him do anything like the character of James Reece and he showed me how versatile he is as an actor!

    Constance Wu is wonderful as the truth-seeking reporter! I was blown away by her performance in the Finale.

    Taylor Kitsch continues to show what a strong actor he is! He brings an authenticity to his bond with Reece.

    JD Pardo was great! He brought an intensity to his character that made me sit up every time he was onscreen.

    The Cinematography! I've never seen a better-looking show.

    The Action was beautifully shot and executed. You can tell everyone involved knew what they were doing.

    There's an honesty to the human darkness presented here and the show doesn't shy away from it.

    The 5th Episode is Master Class of Intensity!

    CONS: There's a Flashback/Dream sequence that we see one too many times.

    There's a saying in Hollywood; "It's not what it about its how its about it". The execution of this show from the writing to the directing to the acting to the production and cinematography was ON POINT. Has the audience seen this type of story before? Yes, but I promise you they haven't seen it done like THIS! Every single actor brought their 'A' game. Chris Pratt shocked me; he rose to the challenge of playing this character on so many levels. He portrays sorrow and rage in a way I didn't think possible from him. Constance Wu does an amazing job, balancing her character's need to stay objective while also doing what she thinks is right. Her big scene in the finale was next level! Taylor Kitsch gave a more subtle performance, but you can tell the gears are turning in his head in his quieter moments. The cinematography and action sequences are cinematic! You can always see what's happening and know where everyone is and what they're doing. There's no shaky cam here! You can tell that everyone involved took the time to learn tactics and train with the weapons. That level of commitment continues into the writing as well. Every character grows and changes. Not a single frame is wasted, there are no filler moments in this series. Reece goes down a dark path and the writers are smart enough to not shy away from it. Even the other combat characters have a weight that they carry with them in their scenes. This is an action-revenge-thriller made at the Master Class level. This show is intense and entertaining from start to finish. There's no preaching for virtue-signaling here. This is the type of storytelling that Hollywood used to make. I almost can't believe it got made today but I'm so happy it did. I haven't been this hooked by a series since the first season of Stranger Things. I can't wait for season 2! 10/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -Chris Hemsworth is always fun!

    -Christian Bale is great but feels like he's in a different movie.

    -The 'Love Triangle' between Thor, Stormbreaker and Mjolnir.

    -The music and production design are on point

    CONS: -The story is almost too simple, especially considering the stakes!

    -Gorr doesn't butcher any Gods on screen!

    -Every scene is played for jokes.

    -Some of the CGI is spotty.

    Love and Thunder feels like a missed opportunity. The idea of Gorr The God Butcher seems like he'd make for a fantastic villain but here he just feels like he's in the wrong movie. Bale is doing his best but the tone he's going for doesn't match the rest of the film and that's my problem with the entire film. The film wants to play everything for laughs and that doesn't work when you're telling the story of a man killing Gods and a woman dying of cancer! I still don't understand why Gorr took the Asguardian kids, or why the other Gods aren't willing to help stop a man who can LITERALLY KILL THEM ALL. Natalie Portman is enthusiastic here, but the film never takes the time it needs to show the seriousness of her situation. That's the problem when every scene is played for laughs. The production design is wonderful, the colors really pop but the CGI is iffy here and there. Chris Hemsworth is the films saving grace! His charisma as Thor is perfect and you just can't help but root for the guy. I do wish they write him to be a little less "Bro-Dude" and more like the King he's supposed to be. In those rare moments where Thor gets to be serious, I can see for a moment what this film could have been if the jokes were toned down a little and the storylines had a little more gravitas to them! 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed this season of the show! Everything that was happening in Hawkins was brilliant and some of the best material this show has produced. The Vecna/Henry/001 storyline was wonderfully well written and the makeup on Vecna looks like something out of a Del Toro Movie. How they we're able to tie together Eleven and the lab into Vecna and the Upside Down gave the show a grander scope than I thought possible and I'm here for it. All the characters in Hawkins; Steve, Dustin, Nancy, Lucas, Max, Robin, Eddie and Erica are all written and played to perfection. I never wanted the show to cut away from them! I was insanely nervous watching them all attack Vecna in multiple dimensions and justifiably so. Seeing Eddie and Max die was heartbreaking. Although, Seeing Eddie play Master of Puppets in the Upside Down is one of the most Metal Things I've ever seen! I'm torn on Max's coma situation, but I'll wait to judge it until next season.

    Millie Bobby Brown was wonderful this season! I loved that Eleven finally stood up to Papa and was in charge of her own destiny. Her confrontations with Vecna put my on the edge of my seat. They've set up the perfect Hero/Villain dynamic and set the stage for Season 5 in big way by letting our heroes lose. Seeing the gate rip open across the town was pure cinema! I never thought we'd get to see something like this on TV 20 years ago, proving that television is the superior medium at this moment in time.

    Having said all that, there was some things I didn't love. The Russia Prison storyline bored me to death. Everything happening in Hawkins, made the other storylines pale in comparison. I love Hopper, Joyce and Murray, but I feel like this season sidelined them because they didn't know what else to do with them. Same with the California crew. Mike, Jonathan and Will were all wasted this season. They spent the entire time running to catch up with everyone else. Mike learned how to say 'I love you' to Eleven and that was about it in terms of growth for any of them. I love these characters and it sucks to see them not participating in the grander story. This really bothered me with Joyce! Joyce is the ultimate Momma-Bear, and it was strange seeing her away from her kids all season long.

    Overall, I really did enjoy the season! I think the pros outweighed any of my complaints. The writing, the direction, the actors, the production value, the music (oh my God the music was AMAZING), all come together to make what is in my opinion the best show currently airing. I truly believe this is the 'Harry Potter' of the streaming generation. It's a wonderful and dangerous world filled with fascinating characters both young and old and we're watching these kids grow into adults as the story progresses all while capturing the attention of the entire world. It truly feels like we are experiencing something special and I'm beyond excited to see how this story concludes when Season 5 arrives!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My 'Jurassic World Dominion' SPOILER Review:

    PROS: -Seeing the OG Cast reunited!!!

    -The Animatronics look great!

    -The 3rd Act is a lot fun and feels like an extension of Crichton's novels!

    -Jeff Goldblum hasn't missed a beat as Ian Malcolm.

    -The Giganotosaurus sequence!

    CONS: -The Script is BLOATED. Definitely needed another rewrite!!!

    -The first 2 Acts are all over the place, the film feels very unfocused.

    -Why in this DINOSAUR film is the story about Bugs of all things?

    -The Prologue needed to be in the movie.

    -There are too many characters and yet none of them get a proper arc.

    I was excited for this movie and I was let down the first time I saw it. A second viewing went a long way with regards of my enjoyment of the film, but I still had the same problems. This is one of the most bloated scripts I've seen since Spider-Man 3. There is too much going on. The film is bouncing all over like a hyper child and doesn't really focus itself until the 3rd act. I get that Colin Trevorrow wanted to expand on what the world looks like with dinosaurs in it, but I feel like his ambitions over exceeded his abilities. However, with news of an extended cut coming (a first for the Jurassic series), I wonder if my issues in regards to the pacing and script would be abated. I'm curious to see it, but the studio definitely hurt the film by demanding a certain runtime. However, I did enjoy elements of the film. Seeing the original cast back was a treat and they all slip back into their roles seamlessly, especially Jeff Goldblum! I really appreciate that these characters got to be a part of the whole film instead of them being reduced to glorified cameos like in Fallen Kingdom. The Animatronics are great; however, the CGI is a bit messy in places. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are fun as always, but it feels like they're in a Taken movie with Dinosaurs. Once everyone comes together in the 3rd Act and all the chaos ensues, it feels like a Crichton novel come to life! It felt like the ending of the original novel was playing out to some extent. The end Dinosaur fight felt like a check box item in this cut, but I wonder if the Prologue was apart of the film that it'd feel more like a natural conclusion instead of it coming out of nowhere. This film was being promoted as the final Jurassic movie but nothing here is very conclusive. The way the film ends, it feels like they could tell more stories if the studio wants, although I'd okay if this was the last outing and that speaks more about how I feel about this installment. I always left the theater of these movies wanting to see more dinosaur adventures. Both times I walked out of this film thinking: "I'm okay if this is the last one". The original film is my 2nd favorite film of all time and while I've enjoyed the sequels, some more than others, I think it's time to close the book on Jurassic Park. 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "Obi-Wan Kenobi" SPOILER Review:

    PROS: -Ewan IS Obi-Wan!!!

    -It's great to see Hayden back as both Anakin and Vader!

    -The Training Flashback.

    -The Final Scene Between Vader and Obi-Wan!

    -Uncle Owen is a secret Badass!

    CONS: -Reva. The writing and acting for this character is all over the place!

    -Young Leia -The Special Effects quality changes from scene to scene. No De-aging on Hayden in the Flashback!

    This is the last chance Disney had to save Star Wars with me. Unfortunately, this show is so aggressively average and full of missed opportunities. This entire show should have just been about Obi-Wan and Darth Vader!!! Showing flashbacks from their time training together, through the Clone Wars and up to where they are now. You have both Ewan and Hayden back, both of whom are FANTASTIC in this, and their hardly together in this show. We get one flashback scene with them and only 2 scenes together in the present. I will say, their final scene together was great. The mixing of Anakins and Vaders voice together was a great idea but that is all we get with them together. Instead, we get Reva, one of the stereotypical characters ever! She's just played as angry black woman (so much for breaking stereotypes Disney) and the actress just scowls the whole time. The interrogation scene between here and young Leia is one of the most laughable scenes I've seen in a long time. Her motivation is to kill Vader but once she fails to do that, she decides to kill Luke why exactly? What exactly would that accomplish? Also, people can now apparently survive being stabbed by a lightsaber, someone go tell Qui-Gon. The actress playing young Leia was not great but the writing for her wasn't exactly helping her out. The idea that Obi-Wan had to re-learn how to use the Force was a joke! This guy has been a Jedi his entire life, trained Anakin and sat on the Jedi Council. Yet, you expect me to believe that he has to re-learn how to use the Force while Rey can pick it up in a day, using mind tricks and fighting a trained Sith. Obi-Wan on the other hand, needs to be constantly saved by others, can barely duel Vader the first time and struggled to tap into the Force until the end, okay Disney! I could go on and on about the logic gaps this show has, but then I'd never finish this review! I wanted to like this show. Obi-Wan is my all-time favorite character in Star Wars! While I did enjoy seeing Ewan and Hayden back, I feel like Disney deliberately kept the focus off of them in favor of their original characters. I've been watching Disney slowly destroy Star Wars since The Force Awakens. I don't like how they've treated the Legacy characters or their overall outlook on the galaxy far far away. I honestly feel like I'm done with Star Wars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -Seeing Cruise play Maverick again! You can tell he's missed playing the character -The Ariel Stunts!!! I've never seen ANYTHING like it onscreen!

    -The new pilots are actually likeable and challenge Maverick indifferent ways.

    -The Val Kilmer cameo!

    -Jon Hamm is always a win!

    -The Training sequences are legitimately intense!

    -The Entire last 45 minutes of the film are near perfect!!! Including a 'Death Star' style trench run and an entire mini rescue adventure that I wasn't expecting!

    -"You told me not to think"-The entire vibe of the film!!!

    CONS: -I've never been a fan of Miles Teller and this film didn't change that!

    I LOVED this movie!!! It feels like an 80's film with modern day sensibilities. I honestly didn't think Hollywood still had films like this left to deliver. The commitment to the Ariel Stunts paid off!!! I was blown away by what I was seeing, it was truly astounding! Hollywood needs to go back to practical effects in a big way in order to wow audiences again! Use CGI when needed but stop using it for every little thing. There's a shot of the jets getting in formation that you can tell was done for real and it honestly gave me chills!!! Cruise is clearly having fun playing one of his most famous characters again, he always commits to the theatrical experience and it 100%pays off here! The whole final act of this film kept me on the edge of my seat unlike anything in the last 5 years! I can't recommend this film enough,definitely needs to be seen on the big screen!!! 9/10.
  • My 'Revenge of the Sith' Review:

    PROS: -Ian McDiarmid owns every scene he's in!!! Palpatine is the Perfect Villain!!!

    -Hayden comes into his own as Anakin and Vader!

    -Ewan as Obi-Wan is Top Tier!!!

    -The Opening Act is pure entertainment! "Another happy landing" -The pacing is on point, the film never slows down!

    -General Grievous is a unique villain.

    -The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise.

    -Order 66!

    -John Williams is in God Tier Mode here!!!

    -Yoda vs. Sidious!

    -Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader!!!! Hands down the most intense and emotional Lightsaber Duel!

    -The Final Montage, tying everything into A New Hope!

    -"Destroy the Sith, we must"

    CONS: -Some of the Dialogue

    I unabashedly love this film!!! Seeing it opening night, in a theater filled with Star Wars Fans might be my favorite movie theater experience ever! This is everything the Prequels should have been. It's both fun and tragic. The opening sequence shows the bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin and it's heartbreaking to see that bond destroyed by the end of the film. The film never stops and it gets better as it goes! Ian McDiarmid owns this movie, chewing every scene he's in. Hayden really steps up as Anakin and impresses as Vader! Ewan knocks it out of the park as Obi-Wan, really selling the pain of losing and fighting his brother! The duel between Obi-Wan and Vader is my favorite duel across the Saga! It's ferocious and emotional and the choreography is amazing! From the moment Anakin becomes Vader, the film pivots into darkness and thrives in it. Seeing Order 66 unfold, Yoda losing to Sidious, Anakin burning on Mustafar, Padme dying and Vader being sealed into the his suit; you can't take your eyes off of the events unfolding! The glimmer of hope seeing Luke and Leia being hidden away safely is the perfect note to end this dark film on! I could go on and on about this film, it's my 2nd favorite film in the franchise! 9/10.
  • My 'Attack of the Clones' Review:

    PROS: -The Entire 3rd Act is amazing! The Arena, the Clones arrival, the Lightsaber duels!

    -Ewan McGregor.

    -Obi-Wan's detective story.

    -Jango Fett is a Bad Ass!

    -Seeing Mace Windu in Action!

    -Yoda finally drawing his Lightsaber!!!

    -Every planet feels unique. You can tell a lot of thought went into each one.

    -Obi-Wan vs. Jango Fett!

    -Anakin and Shmi's final scene is heartbreaking and Anakin's actions after are terrifying.

    -"Begun the Clone War has."

    CONS: -The Dialogue.

    -The Romance between Anakin and Padme.

    -Some of the CGI hasn't aged well.

    This is the Prequel I'm most divisive on. I really enjoy the Obi-Wan plotline of discovering the Clone Army, battling Jango Fett and discovering the Separatists is a blast to watch! I also like that the supporting characters get more time to shine! Mace and Jango being the standouts! However, the Anakin/Padme love story feels so forced and the dialogue in those scenes is terrible. I'll never understand how Padme could fall for a guy who just murdered an entire village. Having said that, the entire 3rd Act feels like an epic 'Clone Wars' episode! Seeing the Jedi in their prime and what they can do on the battlefield was something to see in theaters in 2002! I'll never forget the audience's reaction to Yoda drawing his Saber for the first time! I still enjoy this movie, however, it's my least favorite of George Lucas' Star Wars Films but it's better than anything Disney has put out regarding the Franchise. 7/10.
  • PROS: -Lucas does a fantastic job of showing how the universe was different before the Empire!

    -Darth Maul -The Pod Race Sequence -Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn -The Duel of the Fates -Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi -The Music -Ian McDiarmid -The Introduction of the Jedi Council.

    -So much Jedi/Sith lore!!!

    -"Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice"

    CONS: -The Dialogue -Some scenes come off as stiff

    I really like this movie. I was 10 when I saw it in theaters in 1999. I didn't know it was so hated until around the time Episode II came out. I get the complaints. The dialogue is my biggest complaint of the Prequels in general but I love the story being told across all 3 movies and The Phantom Menace is a great introduction to that story. Qui-Gon Jinn is, in my opinion, the most balanced Jedi in the Saga. He's willing to push against the Council and follow the Will of the Force. The Lightsaber choreography is top tier, as is Ray Park as Darth Maul. He has such a presence without saying much. John Williams is in perfect form here, giving life to some of the more stiff scenes. The Pod Race is still amazing to watch to this day. Seeing the Jedi/Sith in their prime and how their respective Master/Apprentice relationship works. The entire 3rd Act to me is entertaining! I was a part of the Generation the George made this for and the Prequels will always hold a special place in my heart. 7.5/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    PROS: -Elizabeth Olsen steals the show! She is both mesmerizing and terrifying!

    -Benedict Cumberbatch is still perfect as Doctor Strange.

    -Sam Raimi is clearly having fun, his style is definitely a highlight.

    -The visuals continue to amaze, making the Doctor Strange films unique!

    -Bruce Campbell is always a win!

    -The music battle is fun.

    -Zombie Strange!

    CONS: -The script is a mess! The performances and directing save the movie.

    -Not a lot of development for Doctor Strange in this Doctor Strange Sequel.

    -Wanda's turn is out of the blue if you've never seen WandaVision. Another sign that the MCU films no longer stand on their own.

    -Wanda is going on a killing spree for children that she never had?

    -America Chavez acts as more of macguffin than a fully realized character.

    -The Illuminati is wasted as both concept and threat, while also throwing away one of the best comic book characters ever in Mr. Fantastic.

    This movie seems at odds with itself. I'd have loved to have seen what the movie looked like before all the reshoots. Even still, Sam Raimi's personality shines through. His Evil Dead sensibilities make for some thrilling sequences, while making Wanda a terrifying force to be reckoned with. However, her motivation for going darkside is weak. She's doing all of this for children that never existed? Okay. The Illuminati could have had their own film but here they're just tossed aside, almost as a joke. The worst part for me is that Doctor Strange feels like a side character in his own sequel. He has no character arc, he's just along for the ride. While I do feel the performances and Sam Raimi's directing are worthwhile, this doesn't feel like a proper Doctor Strange sequel. I was expecting more! 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My "The Batman" Spoiler Review:

    PROS: I really liked the overall portrayal of Gotham. It feels like an urban Hellhole.

    CONS: Pattinson feels like he's cosplaying as Batman. The suit wears him.

    The overall tone just feels bland. Not even dark, just bland. There's no spark or anything of any true interest in any given scene.

    Scenes run overlong with unnecessary long takes. This movie was in dire need of another edit.

    A bomb blows up in Batman's face and he is FINE. Also, none of the cops take off his mask after they save him!

    The Riddler is constantly streaming online and NO ONE can find him?

    Also, how the hell does this guy have followers? After one minute of him talking, how can anyone take him seriously?

    The Riddlers' news videos felt like a parody of The Joker's from TDK.

    The plot point of the Wayne's being tied to the mafia? The Wayne's only ever need to do 2 things in Batman's story: be good parents and die.

    The entire 3rd act felt tacked on. Once they capture the Riddler, the story should be over but the movie continues for another 45 minutes.

    I really didn't like this movie. I don't understand how anyone is calling it a masterpiece or even the best Batman movie. I could not take Pattinson serious as Batman. The stunt guys doing the fights are great but when its just Pattinson in the suit, the suit is wearing him and not the other way around. The Riddler was the least intimidating villain I've ever seen in a big budget movie. How this guy was able to amass anyone to follow him is beyond me. He never acts like a real person at any point. Also, the film is just boring. From scene to scene, no character or plot point held any real interest to me. I've never been bored in a Batman movie before. Even in Forever and Robin, I was at least entertained by the ridiculousness of it all. Also, this film needed a serious edit. Why is this movie 3 hours long? The Dark Knight told a much tighter story in 2.5 hours. In this movie, scenes just keep going and the takes last forever. There is a much better paced film somewhere in all this footage. 6/10.
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