
IMDb member since October 2021
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    2 years, 8 months



First season really good, second one embarassing
The first season is really good, 8/10. The second one is embrassing, unfortunalety. Just 5/10, no progress, poor characters and a very bad storywriting. Even the action parts are very bad directed in the second season.

At the first season the storytelling and the characters are very interesting, the direction was fine and even the action parts were nice and thrilling presented.

But the second season destroys all the good and fascinating characteristics, unfortunalety. Really bad storyline without any interesting topic, poor perfomance of all actors and also bad action.

So I really recommend the first season, pass the second and we all should hope for a good third one.

The Matrix Resurrections

Very bad movie in general, but especially not for fans
Poor story, bad screenplay and very bad CGI. Unfortunately a complete disaster. Even for Matrix-newbies, rather watch the first part.

Honestly, really much more interesting and qualitatively better, even after more than 20 years compared to this scrap. Even the computer generated screenplay is much better than this sequal after more then two decades. It's really a shame to watch.

As a fan of Matrix, I didn't want to watch this sequal for a long time. After so many bad reviews, now I was giving the movie a chance at least. But after almost half the time I could just switch off this film. Even detached from the franchise, the film is just very bad.

The Last of Us

Gold standard of video game adaptations
Just wow, perfect realization of the game. As a fan of the games, I'm just overwhelmed!

Especially the detailed implementation and feeling of the many scenes in the game, the world-building, the special-effects and the cast is really perfect.

For me personally, it has almost given the same emotional experiences like in the game. Also as a pure drama series qualitatively at the highest level. I think this approach will make new fans as well as fans of the game pick up and happy. Thanks to the crew for realizing this gorgeous game in such a perfect way for fans and another fresh audience. Perfect shot :)

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