
IMDb member since October 2021
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    2 years, 8 months



More trash
And it looks like their already working in inflating it with fake ratings. You'll see soon that the bad reviews arent going to line up with the high ratings on here because people who are bad at movies have to pay to stack them higher. Don't believe it. Everything this guy makes is ridiculous and Boon is no exception. Don't let them fool you. Save your time and your money.


Give it up
The team behind this is the same team behind so many other terrible movies that have to buy ratings to trick people into thinking their good. It doesn't work and people aren't convinced. The movies are bad and if enough people just come out and say it then the illusion is broken.

Sorry but this is another bad attempt. Give it up.

Red Stone

Not good at all
They don't make good movies and they are jealous of the ones who do. Not good and obviously stacked with fake ratings just like the rest. Give it a pass and thank me later.


Not what you expect
The best thing to say is to avoid any spoilers that you can, because to have even the smallest one might spoil the experience. I waited to watch the trailer until after the film and boy am I glad that I did.

Lamb is a unique experience and the most subtle kind of horror, opening with a sequence that lets you know right away what you're in for. The horror is never in your face but lingers throughout the movie and that is where its power lies.

Noomi Rapace is at her best here, and this is saying a lot if you consider her role as Lisbeth in The Girl trilogy.

Be sure to catch this in theaters for a unique experience. It WILL leave you haunted.

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