
IMDb member since October 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 8 months


Me Time

Terrible woke culture energy
If it wasn't for Kevin and Mark that I saw in the headline I will have skipped passed this movie, but I decided to make this a movie night with me and wifey but the comedy is just terrible and they were trying so hard to add the woke culture which we all know it's bad for human race. One that really pissed me off was when the little girl asked her father which was Kevin if she has a pee pee which he replied No and then continues to tell a little girl that if she if she wants she can option to get one like why in the actual world would you tell a little girl it's ok to change her gender, I mean seriously WTF!!! Is the world turning into.


This show makes no sense, I honestly don't see any domestic abuse here in this show except I see a human being who makes mistake and was trying so hard to put his family together, but the main character is absolutely selfish here, she only think about herself and her daughter and expects everyone to be there for her, super annoying. Trying to show domestic abuse when there is not one, she just wants to be a loner and mrs independent I can do it all by myself I don't need no man so yeah whatever.


drama, thriller, exquisite, special, crazy is what I will call this show
Extremely insane amount of drama definitely a show worth watching, crazy wife delusional husband, I mean this show will got you thinking your relationship isn't that bad after all.

King Richard

this is the type of movie you watch for movie nights
The story is very heart warming and touching, alot of emotions is involved in this movie, funny, sad, happiness, sorrow, but I just can't keep my eye off the TV because I don't want to miss a thing very enjoyable and entertaining.


Expected more from a marvel movie
The story was honestly boring and makes no sense, too many people with superpowers, too much going on at once, it's more of a chick flick than a action movie, which there is nothing wrong having alot of emotions is action movie but the emotions on this movie is meaningless and unnecessary, it's honestly more like a Halloween movie when people come out to showcase their costumes in general the movie sucks.

The Harder They Fall

so good I had to pause it on my TV to go down in my theater to watch it
This movie is definitely much better than I taught it was gonna be had to watch it in my home theater for full experience. Definitely enjoyable to watch.

Charlie Charlie

This movie is literally the worst movie of all time.
This is when you make a movie at your grandparents basement, complete trash. It's worst than a nightmare. The acting is garbage, whoever wrote this movie definitely needs to please don't write again.

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