
IMDb member since October 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 8 months


Vidura B.R. - Monsoon Season

Different kind of a comedy
Monsoon Season is a sharp, observant black comedy served neat, yet, naturally chill.

It's a story not only about the comedian's life, but also about the calculated, cold and unjust world that we live in, the struggles of the people in the "other" world, the refugees. The immigrants, the less fortunate, the misfits. Yes you do get to hear some good humor, but you get to hear much more than that.

There is so much world's truth packed in that hour of 'Monson Season' performance, and it's delivered with good humor, so we laugh, even when we ought to be crying.

I think that the 'Monsoon Season' is brilliant, and it has a good title, too.


Well done depressing dystopia
This unique series is above all a dystopia, as defined in the Free Dictionary: "Dystopia is realism, at least when it is done well. It depicts the world as it really is, through the refractive prism of extreme metaphor. ... " I really enjoyed watching it, until it left me said and depressed.

There is a nice twist somewhere around the sixth episode.

And nope, this is not a cookie cutter Hollywood cops, good guys and bad guys story where at the end everyone gets what they deserve.

And that's what makes this series so unique.

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