
IMDb member since January 2007
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    17 years


Kung Fu

A Timeless Treasure
If you gave this series less than a 9 or 10 one of the following has probably happened:

1) You didn't watch the prequel movie to see what this show is really about. 2) You haven't watched more than one episode. 3) You don't believe in the concept of brotherly love. 4) You have been totally brainwashed by American culture and the love of materialism and violence. 5) You can't appreciate the beauty and simplicity of Eastern teachings. 6) You feel the show moves too slow because you have been conditioned to believe that good entertainment must constantly keep you in hyperventilation mode. 7) You haven't reached the age of 7 yet, or maybe you don't understand English very well.

There is truly no other show that even comes close to combining simple thought provoking lessons of life and living in an entertaining video art form. I am constantly amazed at the profound lessons I come away with when watching another episode. The Jodi Foster episode alone is a priceless treasure, worth viewing over and over again. Go out and buy the 1st season, watch it with full attention and then tell me it isn't one of the true timeless classics of TV.

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