
IMDb member since October 2001
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    22 years



Whos getting revenge?
I gave this movie a 2 simply because the acting (aside from 2 women who make a brief appearance, only to be killed) was not as bad as i had expected. Dont get me wrong - it was cheesy - and many times the actors stumble over their lines - but i expected worse from this movie. As far as the "plot" goes, well, you will be sadly disappointed. Murder is the name of the game in this movie - senseless mass murder - as a cult attempts to resurrect the founding member to take over the world. Horribly done, but a must see for those who love the "b" movies!

The Mighty Jungle

Stock footage galore!
All I can say about this movie is "wow, that was bad!" I admit, i was in tears laughing about 15 minutes into the movie - but it was from a combination of the rediculous narration and the horrible horrible pain the movie was causing me. Essentially, this guy and a guide go back into the jungle to look for his lost party; along the way you will witness about an hours worth of stock animal footage (supposedly of the Congo, but there is a fair bit of American wildlife mixed in) and 20 minutes of rediculous wanderin through the jungle. The movie cuts back to another jungle traveller now and again showing how easy of a time he is having, while the other two are facing a life and death struggle. The point of the movie seems to be that if you respect the jungle, you will be okay, but if you are looking for treasure, the jungle is a horrible place. In the end this is a horrible movie that leaves you screaming for the hour and a half of your life back. If you love to rent bad movies, then i would recommend this one - cuz its a whole new level of bad!

Lik wong

Oh yes!
This movie is pure gold! If you love 'B' movies, than this is a must see! The story line is too sweet to pass up, the super-ninjas are just priceless, and the brutal gore in the combat scenes are fantastic! The best is the fight with the warden at the end of the movie - you will be left thinking "WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!" Youll be dying to get a copy of it for yourself! 10/10!

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