
IMDb member since February 2007
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    17 years



Waste Of Time...
I started watching the movie with an open mind so that the unfamiliar cast and director won't affect my judgment. But 15 minutes into the movie I found myself wanting the movie to end faster just for the sake of finishing it. I still haven't. Basically its a copy of a copy of a copy...(recognize this line?), it has a lil bit of most modern horror/thriller movies in it, that seem recklessly familiar. Ironically the cast was so disappointing. I didn't believe Jennifer Peters (Justine Waddell) for a second. My girlfriend said that she could've acted better than any of the lead female characters and I believe her. The story is not predictable, it's worse. The villain is so cliché that it ruins the image of SAW franchise. Im not a movie critic or anything remotely similar but I have watched a lot of movies, i mean a lot. And this movie doesn't have an inkling of imagination or creativity or originality. I didn't read the book but this 101 minute piece of crap doesn't do it any justice. So if you have a choice, do yourself a favor and watch just about anything else. Normally I don't comment on movies because I am lazy but I don't want anybody else to waste their time and endure this annoying and utterly boring 101 minutes of their lives.

OK I just finished watchin it. Whoopdy freakin Doo, a multiple personality scenario. I still stand by my statement.

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