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Drag Race España: Make Over: Barricientas
Episode 9, Season 3

RPDR 'fans' rate 10 stars because they're delusional
Girl one of the worst episodes of one of the worst season of the drag race franchise. Some people are complaining people give it 1 star because their favorite went home but it's clear they are the ones themselves that are delusional. This season has been horrible since snatch game. The judges for some reason are judging very unfairly and clearly can't judge the season objectively due to personal relationships with contestants. The favoritism is through the roof, haven't seen any favoritism on this level yet. Hopefully they can close the season off in a good way otherwise this will end as one of the worst seasons in a very long time (since Italia and Down Under)..

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: JOAN: The Unauthorized Rusical!
Episode 6, Season 8

Horrible judging
This whole season has been so weird and 'off' for me. First of all the blatant favoritism is getting out of control. They clearly want Jimbo and Kandy to be the top 2 in the end. After this episode no one can deny that. Kandy winning was only because she had the funniest bit. Yes she did perform her bit well but the didn't embody the character (like Alexis or Jaymes did). Jimbo's performance was cringe to say the least. She for sure should've been in the bottom. But seeing they're throwing her wins like it's nothing they just want her to win. Jaymes definitely didn't deserve to go home, she was one of the best! It baffles me to see everybody voted for her while last weak they already unanimously voted Kahana to go home! I think they just wanted to get rid of competition... overall very meh season. Heidi was right to leave and we all know they'll just give Jimbo the crown as they planned from the beginning.

Drag Race Belgique

Meh at most
I have no idea why this franchise is called drag race Belgium since most of the Belgian population speaks Dutch. But no the arrogant French speaking Belgians will only allow French to be spoken. Makes absolutely no sense.. Furthermore, why have a Canadian host that has nothing to do at all with the country? There's literally a Belgian WINNER (Vanessa van Cartier) in the franchises (Drag Race Holland S2) who speaks French ánd Dutch (plus Italian, English and Spanish). Weirdest choices made by production. The queens do seem fun but also very unpolished and just not on the same level as other franchises. It looks like the producers thought they would make a great show if they just throw a lot of money against it (because the budget is there). I really wish they'd renew Drag Race Holland or create a Drag Race Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg).

Drag Race Holland: Icons Only (Snatch Game)
Episode 3, Season 2

Amazing episode but judging can be better
Wow this episode was just amazing. The mini challenge was super fun and campy and very Dutch. I also really liked the work room banter, they seem like a very fun group. The snatch game was mostly very funny and damn that runway was one of the best in drag race herstory 😱 Even the lip sync was great!

The only downside is still the judges decisions. I don't know if this is Fred's choices or production but it's clear there is some favoritism still :( Especially considering what's going to happen further down the season. It's a shame people go back to rate these episodes so low for what happened further down the line. Very unfair because this episode was absolutely amazing deserves wayyyy more praise the what it's getting now. These queens are it 😍

RuPaul's Drag Race UK: The Squirrel Games
Episode 8, Season 4

Worst acting challenge in all drag franchises
How the hell does this episode not have 1 star?! This was by far the worst acting challenge that ever was on any drag race franchises all over the world. Okay the runway was very nice but the main challenge (which was 80% of the episode) was absolutely ridiculous and made no sense at all!!! Not one joke was funny? It looked like it was produced by 7-year-olds. So in no way the runway made up for the horrible challenge so why does it not have lower ratings? Clearly a lot of people are blindly giving this 10 stars only because it's drag race UK... We see this a lot with some franchises (like españa and UK) that for no reason are rated a looot better than some of the smaller franchises. This is very unfair and gives a very distorted view of how good the episodes are.

RuPaul's Drag Race UK: ST4RT Your Engines
Episode 1, Season 4

Let's be honest
Girl let's be honest. This episode was fine at its best. I don't know who these people are who are giving it 10 stars because that's very undeserved. The mini challenge was fine just as the maxi challenge. Nothing we haven't seen already. It's a bit annoying that drag race UK always get such high reviews just for being drag race UK. Looking at it objectively this episode would get 7 stars at the best. Sadly this makes me feel obligated to give it 1 star to account for all the people giving it so many undeserved stars... It's very clear some franchises get very high ratings just because of the larger fandoms and not because of objective judgement.

Canada's Drag Race: Masquerade Ball
Episode 8, Season 3

Favoritism all over again
Just like S1 the judges fall back to favoritism unfortunately. I don't understand how great queens are getting send away in favor of very mediocre queens... the amount of praise that jaida got was astonishing since her outfits were all very 'meh'. Sending away Vivian while she made an amazing outfit just doesn't make ANY sense! Fierce did great but it should've been Gisele. It was clear production wanted to take her outfits down so they could let fierce win.. this episode ruined the entire season for me :( such a shame because the season was really good up till now and the queens are also amazing :)

RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under: Snatch Game
Episode 4, Season 2

Who are all these people giving it 10 stars?!
Wtf are all these people giving this 10 stars... like this was a horrible snatch game.. sad to say but down under remains the worst franchise unfortunately :(

Drag Race Holland

Amazing queens 😍
I think this franchise has some of the most amazing queens we've seen internationally. Unfortunately they do not get the credit they deserve :( It's sad to see the queens are the victim of the production and judging choices. Fred is an amazing host but it's clear he is biased. I really really hope we'll get more seasons because this franchise is super promising. It does need some replacements on production side.

RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under

Worst in the franchise (by far)
Nothing makes sense in this one, the judging is terrible. Why can't Ru let other people handle it.. Courtney Act would've been an amazing host but now it's Ru again sitting behind a cringey desk in a cheap ass looking studio..

Drag Race France: The Grand Finale
Episode 8, Season 1

Meh finale
Very happy with the winner, they deserved it! Unfortunately the finale was a bit boring to me. Not impressed with the final looks and what was that song.. never seen such an easy choreography on drag race 😬 Overall a boring final to a great season.

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: Drag Race Gives Back Variety Extravaganza
Episode 11, Season 7

How to ruin an amazing season in 1 episode..
Ru did it again! She ruined an entire season by playing favorites.. This made absolutely no sense other than putting Shea in the top 4. I'm sorry but she didn't deserve this based on her performance.. I feel really bad for especially Jaida. She deserved that final spot and they took it away because of a stupid alliance and giving people more stars than they deserve. If Jinx doesn't win this season than I will never watch it again..

Canada's Drag Race: Sidewalk to Catwalk
Episode 1, Season 3

Wordt judging panel in drag race herstory
Apparently the cringey judging from season 1 is back... this made absolutely no sense. Halal bae made an entire outfit while fiercelicious had the most terrible outfit?? How did she get saved from the bottom 2?! And to make matters even worse they send home the winner of the lip sync... this judging makes absolutely no sense (again)

Dirty Lines

Amazing show, season?!
Such a great tv show with an amazing storyline. It took a bit to get into it but I binged it within a day! Great plot with a mixture of comedy, drama and nostalgia. I see some people complaining it follows the 'woke' Hollywood agenda but it actually greatly depicts Amsterdam in the 80's. It was very free and progressive, wat ahead of most places in the world!

I really hope they will make a second season because this is great 😁


Stop this already
I loved the first few seasons but it's getting more and more ridiculous with every season. How many cliches do they need to touch upon. And a dead person, again...?!

Drag Race España: La llamadrag
Episode 4, Season 2

Honestly who is giving these ridiculous ratings... Looking at it objectively this wasn't a good episode. The musical was boring and far too long. The worst one I have seen till date. The runway was VERY underwhelming. Lots of queens walking in in something that wasn't even an outfit.. so not 2 in 1 looks. The lip sync was terrible again, can't they keep their clothes and wings on? Seriously?!

I'm now certain it's bots that are giving the high ratings.

Drag Race España: El diario de Putricia
Episode 3, Season 2

Boring and not so funny
Meh episode after the previous ones. The 'humor' was just too over the top and chaotic which made it not funny at all. Also the mini challenge, runway and lip sync were quite boring. Not the level I was expecting. And of course people are still rating it as if it was the best episode in drag race herstory ever... Chile these Espana ratings are just not believable anymore xD.

Drag Race España: La nueva promoción
Episode 1, Season 2

Extremely overrated
Don't get me wrong DR Spain is one of the best franchises but people are just handing out 10 stars just because it's DRE.. this episode wasn't that strong at all. Yes there are some amazing queens and especially onyx was great but these scores are hugely overrated.

RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World: Grand Finale
Episode 6, Season 1

Most boring finale ever
Very happy with the winner but this must've been the most boring and underwhelming finale I've ever seen... The queens are amazing but this production has been so bad.

RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World: Semifinals
Episode 5, Season 1

Most overproduced season ever
It just baffles me how overproduced this entire season was.. from the start it was clear production just wanted a UK vs US finale. Baga and Juju should've been in the bottom literally every episode (except Baga's snatch game) and they've only showcased mediocrity. And now we get a finale without Jimbo, Pangina or Janey over them... Also Baga has been so extremely off putting this entire season. I'm so done with Ru's favoritism. If Mo or Blu doesn't win this season is rigged from beginning to end. But I wouldn't be surprised if they crowned Baga or Juju as the least deserving winner ever.

Drag Race Holland: Maxima - The Rusical
Episode 7, Season 1

This was such a great Rusical! I honestly think people who are unfamiliar with Dutch culture should rate these episodes since it's sooo full of Dutch cultural references , jokes etc. That goes over your head if you're not finalist with them. But great episode 😃

Drag Race Italia: Ciao Italia
Episode 1, Season 1

Too boring to watch
I had to turn it off after 15 minutes because I was so bored... sorry. I love to see drag of other countries but this one couldn't interest me in the least :( maybe the second episode is better :)

RuPaul's Drag Race UK: The Snatch Game
Episode 6, Season 3

Worst snatch game I've seen in a while.. only Ella and Kitty were good, the rest was horrible. Not so amazing runway either. I don't understand why this episode still has a score of 4.2 while DRDU and DRH got way worse ratings for better episodes??

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