
IMDb member since November 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 10 months


The Cran

Unexpected, excellent indie film
Marlee Carpenter lights up the screen and infuses an undeniable energy into every frame she's in. Believable, awkward, and highly entertaining chemistry between the intriguing Hannah (Carpenter) and washed up, but loveable, comedian Roy (Matthew Alan Porter) along with stylistic cinematography and shot composition, a standout score, and nearly perfect pacing made this indie film a winner in my book! The audio was inconsistent at times and the ending felt a bit rushed but overall the smart writing, naturalized performances, and authentic feel of the film in what appeared to be often brutally cold shooting conditions made up for circumstantial errors. The tremendous effort by these indie filmmakers did not go unseen. Excellent work by director Tyler Savino and congratulations to the entire cast and crew of The Cran!

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