
IMDb member since November 2021
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Inside Out 2

not as good as the first movie, but still worth watching
I really enjoyed my time with this movie, i personally really enjoyed how the plot progressed from the first movie, even though it kind of recycles the plot of the first movie with the emotions going into the back of rileys mind, the execution was really good, the animation is also absolutely incredible with a few distinct animation styles, and i also really enjoyed the new concepts they introduced and i found them to be very creatively animated and very well explained, but with that said not everything about this movie is perfect, my main problem is that rileys side of the story felt alot weaker then the first movie, i know shes a teenager now and that we need more development of the plot that she may be alone in highschool since her friends are going to a different school, but i feel like the riley side of the story in the first movie had more high stakes, also i expected this movie to be way funnier then what it ended up being, most of the jokes felt pretty weak but overall i still find this a good and a worthy succesor to the first one.

If i could give it a rating that is not based on imdb's star rating i would probably give it an 8.5 out of 10.


great first half, but it kinda lost me in the second half
Dont get me wrong this is not the worst thing i have ever seen, i have seen way worse, but for how funny the first half of this movie was the second half was kind of a dissapointment, at first i really enjoyd what this movie had going it was consistently funny with some likable charecters, but as the movie went on it progressively became less and less funny and just started to drag on, it feels like the movie was dragging its jokes to the ground, even though there were still a couple of chuckle worthy moments i have to admit that the second half isnt nearly as good as the first half'\, if you like the comedy style of trey parker and matt stone i do reccomend watching this movie at least once, but overall i would consider this as one of their weaker projects.

Dicks: The Musical

not the best thing i saw, but definitly not bad
This movie was pretty damn great, the story was admitedly not very original but still very fun, the comedy was great' one of the funniest movies i have watched in a long time, and the songs while not all good are really enjoyable, also the performances are great with nathan lane stealing the show, my only problem is kind of a me problem, but i feel like there are times when the movie tries to use too much shock humor and those jokes just dont leave a very good impression for me, plus i would have loved it if the songs were longer but overall i really enjoyed this movie, so if you enjoy raunchy comedies i highly reccomend to watch this movie at least once

p.s: this movie is better to watch with a friend.

Suki demo kirai na amanojaku

Drifting home, eat your heart out
I dont get why this movie gets so much hate, in my opinion its better then both drifiting home and a whisker away, and is by far the best thing i have seen from studio colorido, most of the comments i saw about this movie talked about how hiragii has no personality, of course hiragii wouldnt have much of a personality in the start, even though the reason he went on the journey with tsumugi originally was to help her, during the journey, with her help he learns he needs to stand up for him selfe, something that would have never happened if he stayed back home, its called charecter development, besides he and tsumugi have exceptional chemistry and are actually pretty cute together, its the opposites attract kind of romance, plus i also find hiragii really relatable, i too am a guy who cares alot about helping people even if i dont know them, me and him also basically look the same so it felt like i was in the movie wich made it even more immersive for me, the animation is also crazy good, some of the best i have seen in 2024 so far

so overall i really reccomend this movie, dont listen to the hate comments, its worth it.

Natsu e no tunnel, Sayonara no deguchi

intresting concept, and incredible animation, sadly brought down by average charecters, and a lack of soundtrack
This movie is pretty good, the story has an intresting concept of a tunnel that grants wishes but takes away time, i was really invested in that concept, the animation is also top notch, with alot of details, sadly this movie was severly brought down by its average charecters, not that their bad, its just that their not that good either, dont get me wrong, i liked the cast of charecters in this movie, my problem is that they dont really have anything special about them that other anime protagonists dont have, making them feel bland, my second problem with this movie is that the soundtrack is lacking, i get its for atmosphere, but i feel like some scenes shouldve included a soundtrack to make the movie more immersive, but overall even though its not a must watch, i do reccomend to watch this movie at least once.

Tenki no ko

one of the best movies i have ever seen
I loved everything about this movie, it has a fantastic story, great humor, a very strong emotional center, a cast of incredible charecters, with each of them getting a development in the movies runtime, and to top it off, this movie without a doubt has some of the best water animation i have ever seen, its like something out of this world, the voice acting is also very strong, the movie also has some very intense action scenes, that are perfect to add some more fun, so overall if your a fan off makoto shinkais other movies and works i highly reccomend that you check this movie out as soon as you possibly can, seriously you wont regret this.

History of the World: Part I

Really funny, but not perfect
This movie is absolutely histerical, nearly every second of the movie tries to insert in a gag, and most of them dont just hit, but they land exactly where they need to land to deliver a good laugh, the acting and the set designs are also absolutely incredible, and most of the charecters are really charming, but with all that said, not everything in this movie is perfect, i have 2 main issues with this film, the first one is that i would have liked the movies to have some more songs, based on how good the spanish imquisition song was, i think this movie would have worked fantasticly as a full blown musical, my second and biggest issue with this movie, is the fact that some segments felt like they can drag on a bit, and i would have liked some of the time of the segments that dragged on to be exchanged for some more time developing the segments that didnt feel long enough, but over all this is definitly one of my favourit mel brooks comedies and i highly reccomend you to check it out as soon as you can.

Ame o tsugeru hyôryû danchi

Pretty good plot and ok charecters with alot of missed potential
This movie was great, the plot was really solid, the emotional aspect is incredible and the animation is really impressive, but with that said not all of the things that this movie does are great, i have 2 main problems in this movie, the first one is that some of the charecters can be pretty unlikeable at the start Especially kosuke and reina but i can forgive this flaw because they do get better over the course of the movie, my second and probably biggest problem of the movie is the fact that it was way too long, dont get me wrong i understand they needed time to flesh out and develope the charecters but i feel like the movie drags on, in addition to that it has all of this time but it doesnt focus on the really intresting plot points for long

for example: in one part of the movie one of the girls gets injured pretty badly and only 10 minutes later into the movie she wakes up i would have liked the movie to include more of that part to see the dynamics of the kids now that one of them has gotten hurt.

Legends of Chamberlain Heights

Pretty damn funny but that animation is awful
I actually find this show pretty funny not laugh out loud funny but worth a few chuckles but the animation sucks imagain south park but make it even more choppy with some use of flash and you got the animation of the show.

Super Mario Sunshine

Pretty good
Could've been a 10/10 if it wasnt so goddamn difficult from the frustrating bosses to the clunky controls this game is good for those who like hard games if not then this game is not for you.

Riverdance: The Animated Adventure

The music is good the rest of it is not
Believe it or not i anticipated this movie until i actually watched it it was then when they striked me with a tiringly generic story decent at best animation and way too many cartoony sound effects and pop colture references wich just try to compensate for the weak comedy if it wasnt for the dance scenes this movie would get a one out of ten.

Dhar Mann

Good acting but way way too predictable
Look the acting in his videos is good not too bad but not too good its just good but the predictability is where it falls flat this is possibly the most predictable youtube series i have ever watched and i do mean it each episode i begin with guessing what happens and 90 percent of the time im right.

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