
IMDb member since November 2021
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 7 months


Mortal Kombat

Ok story
The digital effects are super good for the budget. The costumes are not good at all. It was a good series for the budget. It's a love letter from the fans to other fans.


Very good movie
The movie is very good. It's funny, has good action scenes and a ok plot. But like every great movie it has its flaws. The movie should have been longer. Instead of spending 30 minutes on the backstory they should spend 1 hour and 30 minutes on the backstory, so that you can show a little bit more of the other important characters backstory's. Then after that you should take 2 hours to tell the main story so that you can expand it a little bit more. Then after the main plot is done you should take 30 minutes to tell what happens after the main plot. Then the movie is about 4 hours and much better.

8/10 stars.

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