
IMDb member since November 2021
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    2 years, 6 months


Bokutachi wa minna otona ni narenakatta

Life was not better
This movie speaks to a lot of people in their adult years going through horrible work and trying to survive on a day-to-day basis in dead-end jobs and always thinking that they could be great if they ever had the time or resources to pursue their passion.

We Couldn't Become Adults is an excellent film and, without spoiling anything, it is aimed at a certain audience. Its a slow film that has a nonlinear plot structure and is entirely about human emotions, what love means, and growing up. Its the kind of movie you have to watch at a certain point in life to get but when you do its really good and works as if it was based on you.

If you're a jaded adult who wishes they could do something with their life, then watch the film. If not then watch it with that in mind. I really liked it!

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