
IMDb member since November 2021
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore
Episode 2, Season 3

Best writing
This episode is some of the best writing and the show has seen. I can't wait to see what is yet to come! From the great quality of dialogue to the suspense of what's to come. I personally believe the creators are on to something and there is going to be great episodes yet to come. The only negative of this episode was that it ended with leaving us into suspense what is next to come. My one request is that the episodes are longer like this episode. 40-45 minutes plus are a great time frame to tell this story and leave us in the right state of mind. Overall I like to say this is a must watch episode!

Our Friend

Great but sad
This is a great movie Jason is great in the movie but this just hits home so much. From the mother dying from cancer to Dane having to battle with his own demons. Everyone needs a friend like Dane someone who's there for you for everything.

Ted Lasso

Master piece
I've seen many shows and movies in my life but this show stands out the most. Ted lasso charter is such a relatable character with everyone no matter what stage of life you're in or what is going on in your life. It hit homes. It was the best shows on tv right now.

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