Reviews (1)

  • I'm not normally a very big fan of martial arts films - I need more than lots of good fight scenes to really enjoy a movie. This one has more. Most of the (admittedly very few) martial arts movies I've seen have fairly week plots that serve only to carry the action, and little in the way of a true story, character development, humor (Jackie Chan movies being a notable exception), etc.

    Dragon and the Hawk is a pleasant exception. It has a tight plot that delivers a good story without any notable plot holes, very good dialogue and reasonable character development, a bit of humor sprinkled in, believable characters that are well-acted, and a high-energy soundtrack to go with the high-energy action. The evil scientist Therion (Trygve Lode) is downright creepy...

    All in all, I think Dragon and the Hawk is an excellent film, even for people like me that aren't all that into martial arts films. And for those of you who are, you won't be disappointed - if it's fight scenes you want, Dragon and the Hawk really delivers!