
IMDb member since November 2001
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The Day the Earth Stood Still

One of the Worst of 2008
I went into this movie with a completely open mind. I don't usually get into alien movies, but I knew this was based on a classic and the special effects looked good, so I told me brother I would go see it with him.

I was right about one thing; the special effects are phenomenal. That alone gave these movie a three out of ten in my book. The rest of this film was absolutely dreadful. The story may have been relevant in 1951, but it does not hold up.

The acting was mediocre at best, though Keanu Reeves playing a robot-like alien is probably a great casting choice, as every character he does seems pretty robotic. Jennifer Connelly is a fine actress, but only so much can be done with a script like this. Same goes for John Hamm; I like him, but the script was just horrid and brought everyone down.

So to conclude, this movie is complete garbage, easily the worst I have seen in quite some time. If the special effects weren't as good as they are, then this film would be a complete waste (though they are not good enough to warrant the $9 admission price).

TV: The Movie

I enjoy National Lampoon's stuff, and I love all the Jackass movies and TV shows and all that, but this movie was absolute garbage. It was the worst put together and least funny movie I have ever seen and I actually feel insulted that this was made a mainstream movie. I didn't pay for this movie, but it was so bad it makes me want to try and get my money back. The only reason I gave this movie a 1 is because you cannot give zeros. This is by far the worst movie-going experience I have ever had and am extremely disappointed in everyone who played any part in the making of this junk. I drove way out of my way to see this expecting something stupidly fun, but instead I got something stupidly awful. I would say this is the worst film I have ever seen, but to call this a film would be a gross overstatment, all this can be described as is garbage.

Fight Club

not what one would expect
i remember seeing previews for fight club and thinking that it looked like a cool movie about guys who fight a lot. i did not see it at first, but when i did, i was very pleasantly surprised. Not only is this movie about guys who like to fight, it is the story of a nameless-insomniac-narrator who finds refuge by going to meetings for disease stricken people. When Marla Singer ruins that, he meets a man named tyler durden that changes his life forever. they start an underground fight club and tyler takes him for the ride of his life, having the narrator discover who he really is. this movie is a dark thrill ride that ventures to question many of the staples in today's society. Based on the first novel by chuck palahniuk (who by the way is the best writer going, if you haven't yet, read more of his books i.e. choke and survivor etc.), this movie is easily my favorite ever and is a piece of art put together by the best minds in the business. i give David fincher the thumbs up for his excellent adaptation of a classic novel.

The Royal Tenenbaums

Great Movie?
Before I went to see this movie, I read many reviews. I read that it was a master-piece and one of the best movies ever made. I will have to go against every review and say that this movie was quite possibly the worst I've ever seen. I realize that this review will probably never make it on the web-site, but I thought my opinion should be heard, if not by many, by some. I had high expectations for this movie because I usually enjoy movies that have Ben Stiller and/or Owen Wilson in them. But this movie was a great exception. I rated this movie a 1 out of 10 because it is impossible to rate it a zero or worse.

The Jerk

Steve Martin is the funniest man ever. Period.
I am 16 years old. Therefore, i was not even around when this movie was made. The one day, though, i was walking through the movie store, and i saw a sign that said 2 movies for ten dollars. So, with my dads advice, i bought this movie. I watched it, and couldn't stop laughing the whole way through. I realized that Steve Martin is the funniest man ever. Period. Second to none. This movie was the funniest movie I've ever seen, and it got me hooked on other Steve Martin movies. Since then, I seen Planes Trains and Automobiles, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, the Father of the Bride movies, and i can't get enough of him. I can only hope that he starts to act in more comedies, because i haven't seen him in any for a while. My rating for The Jerk is ten out of ten, two thumbs up, and five out of five stars. Thank you, Steve Martin.


Bad movie with a unoriginal plot.
The movie Glitter, starring Mariah Carey, is getting a bad rep for a good reason. The movie is not good, despite a good acting job by Mariah Carey. The plot is that a girl(Mariah Carey) was a young girl that liked to sing. She took a big break from singing for family reasons. Then she meets a guy that hears her voice and talks her into singing again. Does this plot sound familiar to you? If you ever saw the movie Save The Last Dance, then it should. They took the same plot and just changed dancing to singing. I enjoyed the movie Save The Last Dance, but this movie I did not enjoy.

Going Overboard

Adam Sandler has potential to be the funniest man in hollywood
I'll admit, this movie is very cheap and isn't the funniest movie ever. The acting isn't very good, the effects were bad, but it was amusing. When I saw this movie, I didn't expect much, but I what I saw, I liked. The main charactor is played by Adam Sandler. I loved him in all his other movies, and this was no exception. Iknow it was a low-budget film, but that is what I liked about it. Adam Sandler even made fun of it, stating that it wasn't a low-budget film, but that it was a no-budget film. When I watched this movie, I could tell that he was in for some big stuff in the future.

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