
IMDb member since March 2007
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Happy Accidents

One of the better films I have ever seen
This is an excellent film indeed that has been somewhat underrated by many people who I know that have seen it. It is a strong character-driven story about a man named Sam Deed who traveled back in time from the year 2470 to avoid prosecution for his sister's accidental death, to resolve the issues of his life and to find himself. In our contemporary society, he meets and falls in love with Ruby Weaver, a woman who has had much bad luck with men. Sam seems to be a good guy but as this site's summary says "someone not of this world". She thinks he's delusional (but I cannot blame her, as anyone would if someone claimed to be from the future--- I mean as time travel is not possible, as of yet anyway!). However, Ruby goes on to appreciate Sam for himself and wants to stay with him, making for a definite good story line for a great film.

One of the greatest things of this film, at least in my opinion is that it is a contrast to many futuristic-style stories in that it has a somewhat happy tone. I will not risk spoiling the film here for those who haven't seen it by telling the major plot details or the ending, but it is a wonderful contrast to most stories involving the world of the future. Everyone knows the type, the futuristic sci-fi cinemas talking about in sometimes graphic detail of evil corporations and totalitarian governments and world dictatorships; the kind of films that seem to be designed to drain the hope from people. This film is a wonderful story of adventure, romance and hope and grand possibilities. The kind of film which can uplift one's spirits rather than drain them with evil forecasts for a future of world dictatorships and universal totalitarianism. Therefore, I have to give this film a 10!


An overall good film but could have a little more clarity
The 1975 version of Rollerball is an overall reasonably good film, but it probably could have a little more clarity about the setting of the plot. In official summaries, advertisements and trailers of the film which I have seen it says that it is set in the year 2018, when as a result of the "Corporate Wars" there is a global corporate society which takes precedence over all governments as we know them rendering official government titles like presidents and prime ministers and the birthright of Kings useless. In this future corporate society a new sport called rollerball takes the place of other team sports like football, soccer and basketball as well as of war. The whole aim of rollerball seems to be to control the population in the hopes that the players will eventually die. However, Johnathon E. seems to be a bit too good at this game, lasting 10 years in professional rollerball, longer than any other player ever. Therefore, the corporate executives fear him as someone who could lead to the demise of their entire system of society, and they want him to retire and when he refuses they change the rules in the hopes that he will die. Once again one of those evil sci-fi cinemas about futuristic totalitarianism that always gives me a somewhat scary feeling.

The film is as I said basically a good movie, but it could have a little more clarity about the plot. At the beginning it says "And now, our corporate anthem." and that is probably the only clue you get that something is amiss in the film. All throughout the film you get the feeling that more should be revealed about the society which the people of this futuristic corporate state live in and how it came to be, but it seems to be just hard to follow for the lack of details. If the film had a few more details about the background of the setting it would probably be much better, but because it doesn't that brings the quality down considerably, so I have to give it a 6.

V for Vendetta

Hopefully This Isn't the Future of the World
Hopefully this is not the future of the world that we live in. To watch any movie like V for Vendetta with evil rulers and futuristic totalitarian governments always gives me an edge and feeling of some uneasiness and scariness afterward. In the movie, set in the year 2038 there is a future England ruled by a Fascist dictator in a society similar to that of 20th century Nazi Germany. What is more appalling is that England apparently seems to have re-conquered at least in part the United States which is continually referred to throughout the film as "the former United States". This is definitely an interesting movie to watch but scary to think about in reality.

Overall, this is quite a good film. The idea of a great revolutionary (for I simply refuse to call V a terrorist---- though I will not object to putting that label on the Fascist Norsefire Party) who fights and stands for what's right even in the face of opposition of an evil totalitarian government is certainly makes for a good film. However I'll give it a 9 as it is hard to give any movie like this a 10 because it is scary. Well (hopefully) it's just a movie.

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