
IMDb member since March 2007
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Girl in Woods

A solid independent movie with good acting and story.
This movie has some really good scenes and the story is interesting. It's also frustrating at times. You find yourself yelling at the main character for choices she makes, or doesn't make, that most anyone knows, being lost in the woods. However, when you see the extent of the mental illness she has, you kinda get it. She literally is not in her right mind from the beginning of the movie. The flash back scenes involving her parents get a little repetitive. They are nice at keeping you guessing what really happened but could do with a few less. And the story with the "creature" that is following her could have been used more, as it provides some really creepy moments. The multiple personalities/schizophrenia dialogue is well done, as you don't know at first if she is just talking to herself and suffering from sleep deprivation and dehydration or is she crazy. I would have liked a little cut from the middle of the movie and a bit more added to the end. But all in all it's worth watching and has the feel of The Descent sometimes.


I want another 45 minutes!
Amazing acting. Jonah Hill draws you into the characters so much that you want more. It's so well done it leaves you wanting more story.

Slender Man

Turn on a light!
I really wanted to like this, and I have no idea if the movie is good or not BECAUSE I COULDN'T SEE IT!!! I didn't have a problem with the actors, or the plot. And it built suspense just fine. But it was way too dark. Aliens vs Predator Requiem was the same way. Like they don't know how to light a dark scene. Everything gets completely lost at times.

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