
IMDb member since November 2021
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1883: The Weep of Surrender
Episode 8, Season 1

Boring With The Yellow Hair
This thing has morphed into a PC soap opera. As if the poetic ramblings of a 110lb 18 yr. Old immature female aren't enough, she's also wonder woman - racing horses, wrangling cattle, fighting bandits, shooting a buffalo from a galloping horse & eating it's raw heart, and marrying Indian and becoming a "warrior". Stupid feminist fantasy. It gets worse with each episode.

Terror at Bigfoot Pond

Blown away by the professionalism
Casting was right-on - four of the most beautiful women on the planet (real hotties), a very cool black hippie guy wearing an indian blanket and headband, and two totally "hip" white dudes. The acting was oscar worthy. The skinny dipping scene was really hot. When the bigfoot threw the rock into the pond it was absolutely terrifying (apparently it was his personal pond). Best part was the suspenseful piano pounding every time right before the bigfoot showed up. Then there was the excellent campfire dance when the hippie played his bongo drum (great choreography!). The bigfoot looked very real - like an actual creature. Hopefully it'll be on the big screen near me soon.

1883: Boring the Devil
Episode 6, Season 1

Enough already
Four minutes into this one and the emotional ramblings of the young girl are wearing thin. It's getting annoying and adds absolutely nothing to the story.


Historically inaccurate.
Another piece of Hollywood history revision, complete with a horrible screenplay and bad directing. Research the facts for yourself (if they haven't burned the books yet).

The Liberator

Had to bail
Typical Netflix bad idea. The filter format was annoying and distracted from what little character development there was. It's not even a good animation format, especially the white & black streaks on everything that would even destroy a good graphic novel. This might work for a 14 yr. Old kid who stays inside 24/7, constantly playing video games and watching anime, but I got fed up & bailed halfway through.

1883: The Crossing
Episode 4, Season 1

Slow, slow, slow
Worst episode so far. Long, drawn out scenes full of meaningless dialog that add nothing to the story. A river crossing splattered with 2-3 second MTV camera shots accompanied by a Beethoven piano piece.

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