
IMDb member since November 2001
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Joy Ride

What the Heck did I just watch?
OK, I thought that this movie was going to be a thriller, but I found myself falling asleep because of the monotonous story. Not only was it boring and slow, it made absolutely no sense! How did this trucker know so much, like exactly who played the joke on him and where they were at every moment! He was like Super Trucker...he missed his calling as a Private Investigator. Finally, why in the world did he go through all this teasing and playing around instead of just trying to kill them? (Oh yeah, to make the movie stretch out to be a full length feature)

Despite all my complaints about the story being awful, the acting wasn't so bad, so I give it a 3.

Who Will Love My Children?

Saddest movie I have EVER seen
I saw this movie so long ago, but it remains in my memory as the saddest movie ever. I cried non stop. My mother will not ever watch this movie again because its almost painful to watch. Anyway, apart from that the story isn't exactly complex...Ann Margaret is dying and has to give away her 10(?) children. As if that isn't bad enough, it is during the depression and she has to break up the close siblings one by one. I guess this was very sad to me because I too am from a very large close knit family and could identify with each child's pain of leaving their mother and siblings.

Maybe I am a masochist but I would like to see this movie again because it was well done and the end, surprisingly, is slightly happy (so at least we could smile and sob simultaneously). It should come on TV sometime so I can see it again.

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