
IMDb member since December 2021
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    2 years, 5 months


Interview with the Vampire

Truly disappointing experience!

I don't understand how is it ok to change story and characters, but keep the name? If you want to tell a different story WRIGHT a different one.

But no, you have to destroy something that MANY people hold dear.. And, as many have already commented, if told under different name and reference, it could have been a good show. As one of my close friends who is gay said: its fun for us to see and put gay man everywhere, and we feel like we are owned that. Off course, knowing me, he starts laughing loudly before I can reply.

Women (me), people of color and different ethnicities and orientation, should NOT misappropriate white civilisation stories because they have their own history and stories, and by doing that they say that their historic road was less worthy. The fact that we had different paths is what made us, humans, prosper and persevere!

So yes, 0 for the show Inertview with the Vampire, but 6 for this one without the reference.

The Fall Guy

Perfect for Preschoolers!
Everything about this movie is rediculous and banal.. I gave it 4 stars with maybe 4,5 in mind because of the charisma of Rian Gosling 60%, Emily Blunt 25%, for stunts 10% and 5% for 2 or 3 decent comedic-stunt moments.

This is actually a STUNT movie without anything thrilling, exciting, funny or moving. Every line in the film has less then one dimension, like for 4-8 years old.

I am truly and seriously disappointed that these two actors that I adore so, didn't do something more lasting and iconic together, but instead did this shallow flick that nobody will want to watch twice. A they could have done ANYTHING... The worst part is that the film could have been better with just 2 things: if their love story was written better, and on few places they could have made more original plot. Few of us just yelled ideas while whatching and some of them were quite good😊 Yes, I see many good ratings, and they wouldn't be the same if not for these actors😉

The Girls on the Bus

Unfair Ratings so Far!
Off course, it depends on what you were expecting, but as someone who did not have any expectations at the beginning, I actually enjoyed frist 3 episodes. They picked a subject that is enought serious and important, but not too heavy, and treated it with a dose of fun and colors which I really like. There is a need, in my opinion, for such shows for many reasons. First and foremost, because they can reach more people and make them hear different views without even realizing that, without breaking a sweat while maybe even having fun. Second, because it is much harder to make interesting content about serious maters that is not overly dramatic, pursuasive and/or pervasive. Most of them make you feel like somebody is pushing their point of view on you all the time.

I also like characters.

Well, So far😁

Todas las veces que nos enamoramos

It's Good, It's Fun, It's True
Finaly something real and not pathetic. This is exactly how we lived at the end of 20th and first decade of 21st century. Even those of us who studed engineering, low or business, were into movies, hanging out with our friends, going out to small bars, big parties and mayor openings. Hooking up as much as possible. And always being into someone, hurting over someone and still going out and having fun.. having friends that were in absolute center of our life and shared with them everything. Living both small and big life in the same time. It's a bit nostalgic, specially when I heard "Me Cago En El Amor".. But mostly, I like it because its true. The characters didn't feel liked edited to fit into a box or "message". Acting and directing is very good and natural and made me feel I was there with them.


Nothing of that everlasting magic of Jane Austin exist in this movie. It is made from todays view thus belittling Austin's. It feels like parody of that period and original values. Everything is disorted.

Raising Dion

Basic & Boring
Somebody compared it with Stranger Things and we (9 of us) bursted into laughter! NOTHING like ST! Oposite in fact. It is basic, outdated, boring, comicbook concept. For children. C'mon people! Why do we accept such luck of imagination and trill?

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