
IMDb member since March 2007
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Boys Before Friends

Grows on You
First I give props to the dedicated cast and crew of the series. They are definitely giving their all and they themselves are fans of the original manga and want to do a good job. With that said, keep in mind that they are working with a minimal budget and the script is being written inspired by the original but also needing to make reference to more of American culture - and finding that balance is not easy. In every version that has been made there have been actors or scenes that were over the top or obnoxious and at times sound or lighting issues, so I take some of those issues with this series with a grain of salt. Each episode (currently writing this with episode 4 just released) has drastic improvements and though there are enough differences that might turn away some die-hard fans, if you watch it from the perspective of an original show, it's very entertaining and you'll probably find yourself appreciating more the aspects of it that do in fact mirror the original manga. There are still 12 more episodes to go and so long as it continues to improve as it has been, I think it will be a series that many can come to love. I'm going to give it a chance and recommend others do too!

The Incubus

Great Story, Well Written, and Decent Acting
Really enjoyed this movie. I came across it a couple years ago but never got to finish it, but what I did see stuck with me. I finally found it again on VUDU and I wasn't let down in the slightest. The story is fantastic which doesn't surprise me since Shayne Leighton wrote it. She's also a very skilled actress and loved her in the lead role of Marnie. There was great chemistry amongst the cast and acting for the film was overall pretty good. There were a few actors/scenes that were a bit 'over the top' but not as many as I had expected and was easily overlooked based on the rest of the film and actors. Johnny was probably my favorite character as he reminds me of the best friend that everyone wishes they had - a little crazy but that's why you love him and he's always there for you. Frantisek Mach who played lead opposite Shayne as Raphael, did an excellent job in his portrayal of the tortured Incubus fighting between his true nature and who he wants to be. Perfect blend of angsty bad boy and sensitive lover, I'd enjoy seeing him in more. It's not a major Hollywood blockbuster but it has its charm and sucks you into the story fast. I only knocked it a couple stars because of those couple instances of over the top acting/scenes and a few spots where the sound is out of balance so it goes from being pretty loud (so you turn the volume down) to super soft (which you then have to turn the volume up to hear what's being said). Otherwise, great! I've watched it twice since renting and am totally going to buy it!

Before the Dark

Intrigue and Atmosphere
As a strong admirer of C.Feehan I have been looking forward to this web series being created. John Wells is a very good actor who portrays the role of Vladimir Dubrinsky pretty much exactly how I pictured him. The series is just starting so we haven't gotten too far into the storyline yet, but considering these are just short 5 or so minute webisodes i think that they've done a good job giving background and getting right into the mysteries of the story making you wait in anticipation for the next episode to be released. I also like that even though it's a web series, the atmosphere of the set is captured well and doesn't feel "fake" like some other web series can tend to feel like.

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