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The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be
Episode 8, Season 2

Dovie'andi se Tovya Sagain
After season one's lackluster finale they absolutely needed to land this one, and despite a handful of moments they did.

The beauty of the Wheel of Time, and how it works in universe, allows the showrunners to push against the Pattern to deliver surprises to book readers while still retaining the spirit of RJ's masterpiece.

Do I like every choice and moment, no. But then I didn't like every choice and moment from the books either.

This episode is the perfect example of capturing incredible book moments while also believably remixing them. And while I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of how Nyneave and Rand were handled this episode, everything else makes up for it.

The EF5 + Elayne coming together captures the spirit of the books incredibly well, though I do wish there was more energy when Rand stabbed Ishy. That moment felt a bit lackluster.

The best moment was Mat. This was his episode, and seeing him blow the Horn brought tears to my eyes. Damned right he's a true hero.

The Forsaken continue to impress, and that last shot introduction to Moghedien sent chills down my spine.

I cannot wait to see what's in store next for this turning of the Wheel.

House of the Dragon: The Green Council
Episode 9, Season 1

The Red Queen...
What an episode...

I am in awe with this show and it's quality.

This episode center itself around the Green Council, Viserys I is dead and the Greens are on the move to Crown Aegon before word can reach Dragonstone.

It's surprisingly laid back for a 9th episode in this world, but it does have it's moments. The divisions are becoming clearer and after a stunning conversation with Rhaenys, Alicent finally begins to realize the way her father has manipulated her entire life to his desires.

The subtlety of Aegon's true nature and his desire to not be king are handled well. As well as Mysaria's threats to Otto which are sure to come back.

The biggest highlight is Aegon's coronation. There was a beast beneath the boards and the Red Queen delivered on those words well, but I suspect they might still be important.

A lot can be said about Rhaenys and not frying the Greens alive, it made sense to me, but the showrunner explanations are incredibly weak.

This episode is not even close to GoT S8 quality, and the people who make that comparison are used internet outrage culture to get attention more then actually discuss the show in a nuanced way.

I'm Excited for the finale.

House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides
Episode 8, Season 1

Lord of the Tides
This episode is up there alongside the likes of The Rains of Castamere, Baelor, and The Lion and the Rose.

It's not even episode 9 and I'm broken.

This episode was hauntingly beautiful and tragic, and feels like it was pulled from an actual G. R. R. M. chapter.

A beautiful send of for Viserys I before the tragedy of war strikes Westeros full storm.

Watching these people set aside their differences to give the king a night of happiness all while feeling the underlying truth was masterful in it's execution.

Aemond One-Eye is terrifying just by mere presence.

Helaena's dragon dreams reflect horrors to come.

The King is dead and the Dance has arrived...

House of the Dragon: The Princess and the Queen
Episode 6, Season 1

The Princess and the Queen
10 year time jump and I must say, Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cook killed their first outings as Rhaenyra and Alicent.

This episode principally deals with the Strong Boys, Rhaenyra's children, and how their parentage is a source of contention between Rhaenyra and Alicent.

The growing contempt is perfect, yet tragic, and Alicent's horror at Larys' actions highlights that her madness is one of circumstance.

On the note of there not being a protagonist, has anyone actually read ASOIAF, or watched Thrones.

I can forgive GoT watchers as D&D dropped the ball when they moved past the books.

Martin writes about people, not heroes, in fact heroes die quickly in his world because they are unrealistic.

All his characters are capable of doing great good, and great evil. That's what makes them compelling.

House of the Dragon: We Light the Way
Episode 5, Season 1

The Greens
After the expertise of episode 4 I had concerns about whether episode 5 could top it. It certainly did.

We Light the Way is the best episode yet in the tradition of the world its set it this wedding did not go well.

I saw someone call it the Green Wedding and I think that is a perfect name for it. The beacon of Hightower burns green for war and this wedding marks the true beginning of the Dance of Dragons.

This episode executes two important character shifts, that of Ser Criston Cole and that of Alicent Hightower, and it does so perfectly.

The Greens have come into play, the rift between Alicent and Rhaenyra has become irreparable.

It only gets better from here.

House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea
Episode 4, Season 1

The Best Episode So Far
I've seen a few takes now discussing this episode being boring. On the surface I can see why, however this is probably the most important episode yet.

Having read Fire and Blood I knew from the get go, just from the season one episode titles, that this season was going to be by and large set up for the Dance of Dragons proper.

King of the Narrow Sea deftly develops these characters in ways that are so important for investment so that things down the line are impactful.

Foreknowledge aside, I think the episode manages to develop the story well enough for non-book readers to see the foreshadowing if they've an eye for it.

Everything about this episode was well executed, but it's in the fine execution of Rhaenyra and Alicent's stories that take this from being a good episode, to a great one.

They represent the opposing forces of order and chaos, and the storm is brewed to perfection as both struggle with their lot in life.

Daemon continues to steal every scene he appears in as well, but the best stand alone character is Viserys. Considine perfectly captures the complex and tragic nature of the king, in turn highlighting one of the biggest causes of the coming Dance, Viserys' weak leadership and soft spot for family.

The Wheel of Time: The Dark Along the Ways
Episode 7, Season 1

It's Me
What an episode.

Just wow.

Rand's realization about being the Dragon Reborn was absolutely devastating. The subtle hints at his future suicidal ideation also make it brutal to watch.

The Blood Snow was everything it needed to be and more.

Min is astounding.

I can't believe there is only one episode left.

The Wheel of Time: The Flame of Tar Valon
Episode 6, Season 1

Another Strong Outing
Once again the changes to the story feel well handled, while this episode does not contain much book content it does introduce a lot of things. Hints of future events, most interesting being the Seanchan invasion.

On to the stupid controversy of the week. Siuan and Moiraine. They are described in the books as having been pillow friends while in the tower. Physically showing, and expanding that connection doesn't detract from future events involving other characters, but rather gives more depth and emotion to both Siuan and Moiraine at this part of the story.

My big problem was the ending with Mat, but as that was caused by real world issues I can't drag the showrunners too much.

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