
IMDb member since December 2021
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Da-eum So-hee

Solid of Story about Korea's Work Culture
The actors were great. Through the entire first half of the movie I felt uncomfortable in a good way. We are presented with situations where any of us can relate as some basic level, and top of great acting, we are not sure what the right answer is to the situation at first signs. The 2nd half of the movie feels a little out of place at the beginning, but after a little bit, it starts to pick up, and everything starts to come together very nicely which implies current issues in South Korea work culture. There is not much soundtrack in the movie which I did not mind. I will be expecting more from this director.

The Creator

Solid plot regardless of lots of plotholes
The movie visual were spectacular. It felt like "Dune" and "Blade Runner", but better, so it was very nice to stare at this potential future for humanity.

The story was solid, coherent, nice pace, and easy to follow. Nothing we have not seen before. However, the first half of the movie suffers from plot-holes that made me pull out from the immersion and say, "What? That's was stupid", or, "That does not make sense". On top of unlikable main character that keep me wanting to punch him in the face. The 2nd half of the movie was excellent: the story started to make much sense, the characters suddenly were better written, and I started sympathize more towards them, especially at the very end.

There is no big questions or philosophical questions as I would have expected for this type plot, so I think it was wasted opportunity.

Soundtrack was excellent as it was made by Hans Zimmer. Overall, it is solid scifi film. I movie I wouldn't mind re-watching sometime in the future.

Before Sunrise

Like a genuine date
Do you know those moments when you are talking with someone and you don't want to stop because you are just enjoying the moment so much? This movie felt exactly like that to me. It remind me of my most personal happy moments with someone, including dates, where I connected with someone who I felt I could just keep talking forever. This movie accomplishes in delivering a very genuine interaction between a couple who seems to understand each other while each one still being unique. Each dialogue feels unique and natural. One scenery per dialogue, so by the end of the movie, you feel you have gone through a lot in a very short amount of time, in a good way. Minimal music makes the movie feel more realistic.


Impressive Acting
The acting in this movie was incredible. Most characters in this movie had convincing acting. The story was simple but well delivered. It suffers a little bit by the end. By the final act, the possibilities in my head were running so wild that I was not sure what to expect anymore. There was one key plot which I did not quiet follow or connect to the rest of clues presented. There a couple powerful emotional moments in the movie which had me hook to the screen. There was only soundtrack only a few key moments to indicate some sort of importance happening on screen. Overall, it was a great movie.

Gran Torino

Plesant Surprise from the legendary Clint Eastwood
I was eager to watch this movie since I wanted to see it with my Asian friend who is from Vietnam, and I was not disappointing. We both equally enjoyed the unintended humor the movie creates just out of how relatable the situations were. The main protagonist, Clint Eastwood himself, does a memorable job, and his spitting like cowboy is still on point. Some of the supporting characters do not have memorable acting, but the plot carried the whole movie nicely. The lack of soundtrack in the movie did not impact my enjoyment out of the movie because I did not notice until later that there was no soundtrack at all since I was focused in the story. Overall, I think this movie was a good watch.


Unique Story on the country of Georgia
The movie tries to tell the message that we are all humans in the end regardless of our background, and the movie delivers this message well, sometimes... It can be slow and drag some scenes for a little bit too long for my taste. There is a high intensity scenes which add little bit of flavor to overall of story. The main actor does an excellent job while the supporting characters where decent enough to have me interested. You will not see hardcore scenes. The soundtrack was repetitive but effective, adjusting accordingly the emotions of that scene. The movie is based on a historical which you can look up in internet, but we get enough self-explanatory information through the movie to get some background.


Satisfying Horror Movie without that many jumpscares
The movie creates a solid foundation as each character had a solid introduction, and you can feel relate to their situations. There is some questionable decisions done by the the characters which may make your eyes role a little bit, but it is for the sake of creating those horror scenes. And, Oh boi! Those horror scenes have a nice payoff. The movie does a good job on creating a tense atmosphere, and they just don't relay on cheap jump scares. Soundtrack is on point. The movie could have been better if they had developed the story better at the end, but the movie's end feels as the writers run out of time.


A movie to watch without subtitles
Watch this movie without subtitles. It was such a unique experience for me and my friend to watch this movie. I and my friend do not know sign language at all. During the sign language conversations, you do not really know what the characters are trying to communicate, but it is fun to guess what they say base on their emotions and hand gestures. Otherwise, this movie is just an normal family life story.

Doraibu mai kâ

Beautiful about moving on in life
This is a long movie. I was surprise the introduction to the movie was long. The story was very which is about moving on in life and love. The acting was amazing. 8 red cars out of 10.

Manbiki kazoku

Beautiful Story About How Anyone Can Be Family
All characters were interesting with each one having a story/problem of their own, including the kids. This movie shows how anyone can be seen as family, and how some of us just need some company from anybody.

Citizen Kane

Excellent Movie About A Man's Life
I was engage with the main character and following through his life. The movie touches interesting topics about narcissism, love, and politics if it was really that relevant. Not even the wealth of world will make you happy. People say this movie is revolutionary in way, but I am still not sure how. Nonetheless, it was solid movie, and I would recommend to anyone who wants to see a black & white movie.

The Elephant Man

Teared up a little up
The movies takes solid 30 mins to build our characters, not even showing us how The Elephant Man looks. Once we actually shown the man, the movie makes good job on showing us how this "creature" is a human being with emotions and dreams. Throughout the movie, it makes you feel pity for The Elephant Man and angry towards who treat him like less. I shed a tear or two in this movie.

Taare Zameen Par

Best Movie About Teaching
The first half of the movie it was setting up everything for the characters. I personally do not like musicals that much, and this movie it is sorta of a musical in some parts. However, in the second half, I was engaged in the movie, specially the relationship between the teacher and the student. One the best movies about how teachers can make a world of difference for a child's future. It remained me of my closest teachers during my childhood who tried to help me with my depression.

Dersu Uzala

Best movie about survival in the wilderness
This movie is one the best movies that shows how someone who lives in the wilderness knows how to survive in a realistic manner. No overtop skills or plot amor.


Best Christmas Movie
I think this is the best Christmas movie I have seen to date. Easy watch for the whole family. I had a genuine smile in my face in several parts. The origin of Christmas told in a realistic way.

The Unforgivable

People can't just let go
The movie was okay for most part. The last 20 minutes were really incredible. Everything came together nicely with all the subplots that were going on.


Awesome story about rivals
The way the rivals clash against each other was beautiful. Each one had different priorities and motivations, but both shared similar qualities which each other could appreciate. The fact it is based on a true story makes it even better.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best comedy I have ever watched. Hilarious Absurdity
Who the hell tattoos Mexico in their right cheek?

The hell?! I am from Mexico, so I thought it was my imagination, but no, it was not. I could not stop laughing.

Shin seiki Evangelion Gekijô-ban: Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni

Solid anime movie
This was an excellent finale to such a unique show. The animation was top notch, and the story was thrilling through the end. The fact the world dependents on the hands of our character which is chicken made me feel so frustrated. Again, you have to watch the show before watching this movie. The movie starts right from where it was left in the show.


How to be cool in USA in the mid 90s
I am not from the USA, but I am from a Western country. For me, this potrains how a kid becomes cool. The coming of age of someone in LA, USA. However, the movie made think that other countries might not be that different when it comes to what it requires to be done to become an adult. In this movie, skating is just a tool to bring everyone together. In other countries, just replace skating with something local, and you will get similar stories to this one across the world. Great movie! Eager to show to my skater friends.

Ya no estoy aquí

A movie about how things can change
Taking place between New York and Monterrey, this movie tells the story of young teenager who life changes drastically. The actor for the protagonist is great since a lot of his emotions are told through his expressions and most importantly, dancing. If you are dancer, I think this is one of the best movies that represents that feeling or zone when you dancing something which you truly love.

The Matrix

One of the best Sci-fi movies ever
Is this world real? Are we real? How do we know if the things we perceive are actually there? This movie introduces to such questions with easy to digest story. Truly one of its kind.

The Godfather

The original mafia story
This was the first mafia story I saw. After watching this one, I saw other similar movies which a follow a group of mafia/criminals usually in a New York City setting, but this one still remains as my favorite. The actors are top notch, and the story is brilliant. Now, kiss my left and right cheek!

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Most fullfilling conclusion ever
As the last movie of a epic trilogy, this is the best conclusion to a story I have ever witness. In the last act, I was full of strong emotions to the very end. All questions answered and all characters got proper closure. This movie deserves is spot as one of the few movies to get 11 Oscars!

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Tear Jerking Spideman Movie
Amazing and diverse art styles. I would show this movie to anyone just because of the art. Great cast. I loved the soundtracks. Characters are so relatable and human. This is the best Spiderman movie to date.

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