
IMDb member since December 2021
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    2 years, 5 months



Terrible acting
It could have been such a great show. We were super interested in the story, I even read the book and liked it. The first episode was actually ok, started off interesting. Here we still thought it could be a good show, with a self-made woman, at least ok characters and cool vintage clothes. But from episode 3 onwards, it became absolutely unbearable. We couldn't even make it to episode 4, not even with the volume turned down. Sophia's acting is absolutely terrible. She's annoying, childish, hectic, loud, completely over the top and not likeable at all. And why is she shouting and overacting all the time? Such a pity, this show had some great potential. We can't recommend it (at all). Maybe if you watch it on mute.

Hello Tomorrow!

Boredom to the moon and back
We've been waiting for this show for a long time. It seemed so interesting and promising, we loved the whole retro look and expected a quirky series, something between Wes Anderson and For all Mankind. We're on episode 4 and it totally failed to catch our attention. I have really no idea where this is going. The story is dull and boring, weak dialogues, sales people and a scam and almost everything happens in a hotel. Or actually nothing is really happening. The only good thing are the aesthetics. It could have been such a great show, completely wasted opportunity - and unfortunately wasted time.

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