
IMDb member since December 2021
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    2 years, 5 months


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Fabulous film - beautifully shot and stirring story
This is a superb film - a coming of age adventure. The film looks great and takes you on a journey. It is family friendly, amusing, and stirs you to the heart around adventure, relationship, courage and work.

This is not a typical Ben Stiller film at all, but he plays the part brilliantly. The film moves at a great pace, every scene has merit and the story and mystery unfolds well.

I would highly recommend and have watched multiple times and it never fails to entertain. Great soundtrack to boot as well.

Little Fires Everywhere

Gripping drama, bear with it
I must admit I was ready to give up after episode 2, up until this point neither my wife nor I were massive fans it was slow and had not caught our attention. From that point on we were gripped.

Clever, a fascinating voice around race and class, brilliant characters and intertwined stories, moral dilemmas, drama, betrayal, loyalty, unfolding back stories.

This is a brilliant watch - definitely recommended.


It's just so bleak
It is well acted, clever, engaging but it is stressful to watch. I understand that is probably part of the point and some of the issues raised around abuse, women's rights, prejudice, social security for vulnerable people and children are excellent. The nuances of the relationships between mother and daughter, the two leading characters, the love interest etc are great.

But I don't enjoy it - I feel anxious and pain on behalf of those characters and some of the choices they make. Is it gripping, clever film making absolutely. Does it edify my life - not at all.

On Wings of Eagles

Uplifting film sharing the life of a great man
A good, if not great film. Could have been a lot better but some great scenes and glimpses of a wonderful man with a faith lived very well. So many Christians give Jesus a bad name but Eric Liddell lives with compassion, sacrifice and courage. Well worth a watch.

Wrath of Man

Dreadful. I love Guy Ritchie films but this was awful
This has poor acting, no plot or dialogue and is just mindless violence with no clever storyline whatsoever. The musical score is repeated to the point of annoyance and the film feels like it has been written by an 8 year old boy. Goodies kill baddies. I highly recommend avoiding and for fans of Guy Ritchie this is nothing like the calibre of Lock Stock, Snatch or The Gentleman.

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