
IMDb member since April 2007
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    17 years


The Christmas Shoes

OMG, you people are saps!!
When we first heard this song, we thought it was a joke. Surely, no one would write such tripe seriously, would they? If mommy meets Jesus tonight? My wife tortured me by making me watch the last 40 minutes.

I swear to you it felt like the longest five hours of my life! She was laughing the whole time. I almost drew up a contract to make her sign that I could have that time back (kind of like I did when she made me watch "girls just want to have fun" or "riding in cars with boys")

The kid's acting was nails on a chalkboard. A 12 year-old buying shoes and acting like Zac Ephron is Stallone. I'm not a scrooge, I like my share of Christmas sediment, but this song, book, movie, cartoon whatever is awful!

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